19.06.2020 New student assistants for NaDiMa project

The Economics of the Middle East Research Group welcomes two new members. Clara and Peter will assist us in the NaDiMa project.

Clara Gülich is a student assistant in the DAAD-Project „Socio-Economic, Cultural and Technical Aspects of Natural Disaster Management“ (NaDiMa) since May 2020. Currently she studies Politics and Economics of the Near and Middle East at CNMS. She obtained her bachelor's degree in Near and Middle East Studies with a focus on Politics at the Philips-University of Marburg (2019). During a one-year stay in Iran within the framework of her bachelor's studies, she took classes in Islamic and Iranian history of ideas, Iranian studies and literature at the University of Tehran. The topic of her bachelor thesis was the use of audio-visual frames of Iranian online movements in social media. Her research interests are in the field of participation research and economic and social policy with a country focus on Iran.

Peter Noack studies Middle Eastern Politics and Economics at the Centre for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS) at Philipps-University Marburg. He did his Bachelor at Martin-Luther-University in Halle in the field of Middle Eastern studies, Arabic and Islamic Studies and Political Science. Stays abroad led him to the University of Isfahan, where he attended a language course for six months as well as lectures in Islamic and Iranian history. In his bachelor thesis, he focused on the work "The Islamic State" and the principle of the Velayat-e Faqih by Ayatollah Khomeini from a perspective of the history of ideas. In his Master, he specializes on international relations in the Gulf region and political economy in the MENA region, with a country-specific focus on Iran.
Clara Gülich & Peter Noack
Mail: nadima@uni-marburg.de