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Academic committee
Established in the summer of 2016, the academic committee provides students and staff alike with the opportunity to exchange views and ideas and to get everyone involved in academic matters, in particular the planning and teaching of courses at CNMS and the (re)accreditation of study programmes. As an advisory body, the committee comes up with proposals which it then presents to the faculty board.
It is comprised of two professors, two academic staff and two students, as well as the course coordinator. These members are appointed by their respective representatives on the faculty board. The chair of the committee is the course coordinator. The committee meets at least once a semester, or as required. It is convened by the chair, provided a member requests this. The committee is deemed capable of performing its tasks if at least four members are present. Each status group is also allowed to name a proxy. The committee's meetings are public. All members of CNMS are entitled to speak during one of the committee's meetings. Minutes are also written for each meeting.