Dr. Tareq Sydiq
Research Fellow, BMBF-Projekt "Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace & Conflict"
Contact information
+49 6421 28-24812 tareq.sydiq@staff 1 Deutschhausstraße 1235032 Marburg
Ehem. Kinderklinik Neubau (Room: 00D15)
Organizational unit
Philipps-Universität Marburg Zentrum für Konfliktforschung (ZfK)Publications
To the publications in the research information systemOffice Hour
Office hours can be scheduled individually via Email.
The office entrance is in Bunsenstraße 2, on the ground floor, to the left of the main entrance.The mailing address is Ketzerbach 11, 35032 Marburg.
Research Focus
authoritarian statehood
political participation
social movement studies
resistance studies
regional focus: MENA and Eastern Asia
Winter Term 2019/20: Political legitimacy in the Middle East and the Arab Spring
Winter Term 2018/19: Study trip Law, Justice and social conflikt: Learning out of the NSU-trial? (with Maria Ketzmerick)
Winter Term 2018/19: Contemporary Political and Social theories beyond the European canon (with Maria Ketzmerick)
Summer Term 2018: Protest, Resistance, Collective Action
Winter Term 2017/18: Political legitimacy in the Middle East and the Arab Spring
Summer Term 2017: Resistance, Collective Action and Revolution
Winter Term 16/17: Political legitimacy in the Middle East and the Arab Spring
Studies and Positions
Since 2022: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Conflict Studies. Coordinator of the BMBF funded research network “Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict”.
2019 - 2020: JSPS Fellowship with the Center for Relational Studies on Global Crises at Chiba University, Japan
2016 - 2021: Research fellow at the Center for Conflict Studies. Conducted PhD on political participation under authoritarianism in Iran.
2016 - 2017 editor of the journal for peace and conflict studies (Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, ZeFKo) of the Center for Conflict Studies
2014 - 2015: MSc State, Society and Development at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London.
2010 - 2014: Studied political science and sociology at the LMU Munich and Kansas State University, Manhattan.
Sydiq, T. (2023). Competing to Govern: Opportunities and regime responsiveness to civilian protests during the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan. In: Alijla, A. & Fraihat, I. (eds) Rebel Governance in the Middle East. Palgrave Macmillan.
Sydiq, T. (2023). Exploring transterranean activism as a research site beyond local protest sites. /Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space[1], 0(0)/, 1-17.
Sydiq, T. (2023). Entgrenzung von Gewalt in autoritärer Herrschaft. /Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen[2]/, /36/(2), 269-282.
Ketzmerick, M., & Sydiq, T. (2022). Europa dezentralisieren als Strategie–Was bedeutet „nicht-westlich “in der und für die Friedens-und Konfliktforschung?. /Zeitschrift für Friedens-und Konfliktforschung[3]/, 165–182.
Sydiq, T. (2022). Youth Protests or Protest Generations? Conceptualizing Differences between Iran’s Contentious Ruptures in the Context of the December 2017 to November 2019 Protests. Middle East Critique, 31(3), 201-219.
Sydiq, T. (2022). Autoritäre Interessenaushandlung: Wie Iraner*innen Politik innerhalb autoritärer Rahmenbedingungen gestalten. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Sydiq, T., & Ketzmerick, M. (2022). Decentralising Europe: Harnessing Alternative Theories of IR. In Non-Western Global Theories of International Relations (pp. 19-42). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Sydiq, T., & Tekath, M. (2022). Youth as generational configurations: Conceptualising conflicts along generation-based dynamics. Peacebuilding, 10(1), 51-65.
Bonacker, T., Sydiq, T. (2021): The International and the Construction of Opposition in Iran. In: Ouaissa R., Pannewick F., Strohmaier A. (eds) Re-Configurations. Politik und Gesellschaft des Nahen Ostens. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Sydiq, T. (2020): Vom Protest- Zum Quarantänejahr: Neue Arenen Der Konfliktaushandlung. Zeitschrift Für Friedens- Und Konfliktforschung.
Soudias, D. & Sydiq, T. (2020): Theorizing the Spatiality of Protest. Special Issue in Contention: The Multidiscplinary Journal of Social Protest.
Sydiq, T. (2020): Asymmetries of Spatial Contestations. Controlling Protest Spaces and Coalition-Building during the Iranian December 2017 Protests, in: Soudias, D. & Sydiq, T. (2020): Theorizing the Spatiality of Protest. Special Section in Contention: The Multidiscplinary Journal of Social Protest.
Ciftci, S., Nawaz, M. A., & Sydiq, T. (2016). Globalization, Contact, and Religious Identity: A Cross‐National Analysis of Interreligious Favorability. Social Science Quarterly.
Conferences and contributed talks:
Sydiq (2020): contributed talk "Asymmetries of Spatial Contestations: Controlling Protest Spaces and Coalition Building during the Iranian Protests of 2017/18", at the annual conference of the International Studies Association 25.-28. March 2020 in Honolulu (cancelled).
Sydiq/Ketzmerick (2020): contributed talk "Thinking Modernity from the Non-West – A Strategy to Diversify the Discipline?", at the annual conference of the International Studies Association 25.-28. March 2020 in Honolulu (cancelled).
Sydiq/Tekath (2020): contributed talk „Generational Identities and Power: Conceptualizing conflicts along age-based dynamics”, at the annual conference of the International Studies Association 25.-28. March 2020 in Honolulu (cancelled).
Sydiq/Ketzmerick (2019): contributed talk “Harnessing theories of IR beyond the European canon”, at the annual conference of the International Studies Association on 27. - 30. März 2019 in Toronto.
Sydiq (2018): contributed talk “A generational approach to legitimacy in authoritarian structures” at the annual conference of the International Studies Association on 4. – 7. April 2018 in San Francisco.
Sydiq (2017): contributed talk „How a ‘normalization’ of post-revolutionary politics in Iran challenges existing conception on Iranian Youth” at the 33. German Oriental Studies Conference on 18 - 22. September 2017 in Jena.
Sydiq (2017): contributed talk „Riots as spaces of collective identity and action in authoritarian contexts” zur Konferenz “Riots. Violence as politics?” am 19. - 20. Mai in Berlin.
Sydiq/Bonacker (2017): Compilation of a Panel „theorize radicalization“ at the AFK/EuPRA conference on 16. – 18. march 2017 in Schwerte.
Lectures and Workshops:
August 2020: Online-Seminar „Framing als Crossmediale Strategie. Wie Akteur*innen und Technologien Deutungsmuster beeinflussen“ at the summer university of Evangelisches Studienwerks Viligst 10. - 14.8.2020.
July 2020: Online-Lecture “Protestformen im Wandel: Auswirkungen von Covid-19 auf Aktivismus weltweit“, Weltladen Marburg.
December 2019: panel contribution „Pursuing Political Interests within Authoritarianism: The Case of Iran”, Junior Researchers Meeting in Chiba, Japan at the Center for Relational Studies on Global Crises.
November 2019: panel contribution „Oppositional Configurations in Authoritarianism: Urban Planning and Coalition Building in Iran”, Joint Research Workshop with Conflict Analysis Research Center in Canterbury, Kent.
August 2018 & August 2019: two-week Supplement course „German Politics in a Changing World” during the Hessen International Summer University.
November 2017: Lecture „Privatization of Rent: Importance on non-state stakeholders in Iran“ at the Autumn School in Teheran, Iran on 28.10.17 – 04.11.17.
July 2017: Workshop for the Sommercampus of the Start-Stiftung „Wissenschaft machen! Forschungsworkshop für den Nachwuchs“, together with Han Tran (UvA Amsterdam).
June 2017: Workshop „The influence of historical transnational/translocal areas or structures and their influence on societal conflicts” at a Summer School in Almaty, Kasachstan on 20.06.17 – 30.06.17, together with Stephen Foose (University of Marburg).
April 2017: Lecture “Wege aus der Gewalt – Perspektiven für Frieden in Syrien“ as part of a lecture series „Herkunftsländer der Flüchtlinge in Deutschland“ at the Ländlichen Heimvolkshochschule e. V. in Mariaspring.
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