15.02.2024 SHARINPEACE presented at the 2024 European Learning & Teaching Forum
The Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership Project was a good fit for the conference theme “Learning for, in and with society”

The European University Association (EUA) was the host of the 2024 European Learning & Teaching Forum at the Ruhr University Bochum (08-09 February 2024). The event aimed to explore the links between the societal responsibility of higher education and universities’ learning and teaching activities. The Forum provided a platform for discussing how universities can improve learning and teaching through a mix of plenary and parallel sessions.
The EUA is the largest association of European universities. It represents its members at the European level and provides a forum for networking between universities.
At the Forum in Bochum, Thorsten Bonacker and Stéphane Voell (University of Marburg) gave a presentation on the impact of collaborative networks on the societal relevance of learning and teaching. In their presentation Simulating Human Rights in Peacebuilding: Teaching on Peace, Justice and Inclusive Societies in Europa, they presented the pilot project held during the winter term.
SHARINPEACE recognises the crucial link between peace and human rights and aims to educate students on this connection. By addressing these fundamental issues, the project demonstrates the societal impact of higher education. It shows how universities can contribute to society by fostering an understanding of the interplay between human rights and peace, which is essential for promoting a more peaceful and just world.
Stéphane Voell
Mail: konflikt@uni-marburg.de