18.09.2024 Successful SHARINPEACE Transnational Project Meeting at Southern Denmark University (SDU)

11-13 September 2024

Photo: Stéphane Voell
SHARINPEACE Transnational Project Meeting at Southern Denmark University (SDU), 11-13 September 2024

On 11-13 September 2024, SHARINPEACE held a very productive Transnational Project Meeting at Southern Denmark University (SDU) in Odense. The meeting focused on three key aspects as the project approaches its conclusion in November 2024. 

First, the team reflected on the results of the second pilot of the SHARINPEACE teaching module, which took place during the summer semester. Discussions centred on student feedback on the online simulation, identifying valuable lessons to improve future implementations. The team emphasised the importance of continuously refining the educational experience, particularly the integration of human rights and peacebuilding into teaching and learning.

A significant part of the meeting also focused on the sustainability of the project beyond its official end date. All project partners expressed a strong desire to find ways to continue the simulation in the future. Participants agreed on the importance of ensuring that students grasp the critical link between human rights and peacebuilding, with the hope that the simulation can remain a vital educational tool even after SHARINPEACE formally ends.

In addition, a draft policy brief prepared by the Odense team as part of the final work package was discussed. The meeting also provided an opportunity for project members to collaborate on a joint publication for an academic journal, reflecting the rich learning experiences and outcomes of the project.

The hosts, Ingvild Bode, Chiara de Franco and Oscar Noach, led the meeting and provided valuable insights and a warm introduction to SDU and the city of Odense. The next and final SHARINPEACE transnational project meeting will take place in mid-October in Giessen, Germany.


SHARINPEACE, or Simulating Human Rights in Peacebuilding, addresses the critical intersection of human rights and peacebuilding as core values of the European democratic framework. Against the backdrop of today's complex crises, the project equips future decision-makers to integrate human rights into peacebuilding processes. SHARINPEACE provides an innovative model for addressing the challenges of social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe and beyond.

The programme raises awareness among students and educators of the importance of integrating human rights into conflict management training. The main objective of the project is to develop a two-part module to be implemented across the EU. Students first acquire key competencies in human rights and peacebuilding, and then apply these skills in a network-wide Crisis Intervention Simulation (CRIS), bridging theoretical knowledge with practical experience.


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