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Bridging the Gap between Education and Practice in Peacebuilding and Human Rights

The SHARINPEACE Crisis Intervention Simulation: A Policy Brief for University Educators

Authors: Oscar Noach, Chiara De Franco and Ingvild Bode


This policy brief offers an overview of the Crisis Intervention Simulation (CRIS) that the Erasmus+ funded SHARINPEACE project developed as an educational tool. Addressed to university educators, we summarise the benefits CRIS offers to bridge the gap between classrooms and policymaking on human rights and peacebuilding. 

The SHARINPEACE project (2021-2024) focused on equipping future European decision-makers with the skills necessary to integrate human rights into peacebuilding efforts. This educational initiative addressed the gap between academic training and the practical skills required in real-world crisis situations. The project developed a two-part online module consisting of preparation through lectures on the one hand, and applied simulation sessions on the other hand, using the Cyprus conflict as a case to teach students essential competencies and practical skills in human rights and peacebuilding.

Cite as: Noach, Noach Oscar, Chiara De Franco and Ingvild Bode 2025. Bridging the Gap between Education and Practice in Peacebuilding and Human Rights: The SHARINPEACE Crisis Intervention Simulation – A Policy Brief for University Educators. SHARINPEACE Report #5

Disclaimer: The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein. 

Simulating Human Rights in Peacebuilding SHARINPEACE
Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships, 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000031133

Cooperation Partners