Prof. Dr. Thorsten Bonacker
Deputy Executive Director
Contact information
+49 6421 28-24574 +49 6421 28-24528 thorsten.bonacker@staff 1 Ketzerbach 1135032 Marburg
F|20 Institutsgebäude (Room: 103 resp. +1/0030)
Organizational unit
Philipps-Universität Marburg Zentrum für Konfliktforschung (ZfK)At the University of Marburg, I serve as a president's delegate of the European University for Peace, Justice and Inclusive Societies (EUPeace). I am directing Collaborative Research Center "Dynamics of Security" (funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) and two Master's programs in peace and conflict studies. Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) I am collaborating in a SDG-Partnership Program with the Civil Peace Service and UNPAZ University (Timor Leste), Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology (Philippines) and the National University in Battambang (Cambodia) in curriculum development for Peace and Studies study programs.
I am a member of the research board of the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) as well as of the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy (IFSH). At Marburg I serve as a board member of the International Center for the Research and Documentation of War Crime Trials. Since 2022 I am co-leading the research network Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace and Conflict as well as being a member of the Regional Research Centre Transformations of Political Violence.

My research sits at the intersection of Sociology and Political Science, specifically within the field of International Political Sociology and International Relations. I have a longstanding interest in peace and conflict research theories and methodologies, as well as in critical security studies. My current work focuses on international administration practices in post-colonial and post-war societies, the role of victims in addressing past mass violence, and sexual and reproductive rights as a global site of contention. Methodologically, I employ theory-driven and case-comparative research designs, with a regional emphasis on Central and Southeast Asia, particularly Cambodia and Timor-Leste. Additionally, as part of the regional research center Transformations of Political Violence, I explore the role of affects and the atmospheric dimensions of political violence.

Reguraly I am teaching classes on introduction of peace and conflict studies, methods of conflict analysis, violent conflicts in the 20th and 21st century and an ongoing research seminar on international rule in postwar and postcolonial societies.
Other topics of courses and for the supervision of theses are: postcolonial statebuilding, military intervention, transitional justice & peacebuilding, regional conflict in Southeast Asia, interstate conflicts after 1945, contentious politics in postwar societies, international organisations in peace and conflict, critical security studies
Since 2010 I have organised a series of summer schools in Central Asia. I am also the acadmic co-director of the Hessen International Summer University.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Vita
Thorsten Bonacker studied sociology, psychology, philosophy, and cultural studies at the University of Marburg from 1990 to 1996. Afterward, he served for three years as a research assistant to Professor Stefan Müller-Doohm at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, where he earned his Ph.D. in 1999. Following this, he joined the Institute of Sociology at Philipps University Marburg as a research assistant while also teaching as a substitute professor of Sociology in Oldenburg. In 2004, he was appointed Assistant Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies at Marburg and, in 2007, received an award for excellent teaching from the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art. In 2008, Dr. Bonacker declined an offer for a professorship in Political Science at the University of Augsburg, choosing instead to continue as Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies in Marburg. He has also taught as a guest lecturer at universities in Innsbruck, Frankfurt, and Almaty.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Current research projects
Coping with varieties of radicalization into terrorism and extremism (VORTEX), EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Training Network
Transforming political violence (TraCe), funded by Federal Ministy for Education and Research
Postcolonial hierarchies in peace and conflict, funded by Federal Ministy for Education and Research
Politics of reparation of victim organizations in transitional justice, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Recently finished projects
Peacetraining in Europe (EU Horizon 2020)
The Institutionalization of Interpretative Authority in Post-Conflict Societies (DFG)
Cooperation in LOEWE Research Cluster "Regions of Conflict in Eastern Europe"Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Selected publications
Falschebner, P./ Willems, E./ Bonacker, T 2024: Collective Agency in Reparation Politics: A Contentious Politics Perspective on Victim Mobilisation in Northern Ireland, in: Global Society, (open access)
Bonacker, T. 2024: Violent Conflicts in Central Asia, in: Jakob Lempp & Sebastian Mayer (ed.): Central Asia in Multipolar World. Internal Change, External Actors, Regional Cooperation, Cham: Springer,, 217-228.
Bonacker, T. 2022: Trusteeship as Affective Arrangement. Exploring Affective Practices of an International Bureaucracy, in: an Lüdert, Maria Ketzmerick, Julius Heise (Hg.): The United Nations Trusteeship System. Legacies, Continuities, and Change, 190-212.
Kolah Ghoutschi, S./ de Luna, A./ Bonacker, T. 2021: Translating Sexuality Education in Ethiopia and Kenya: A Multi-Sited Approach, in: Australian Feminist Law Journal 47, 251-282.
Bonacker, T./ Lottholz, P. 2022: The Post-Imperial Politics of Security and Depoliticisation: Comparing Discourses and Practices of Ordering Across Central Asia, in: Europe-Asia-Studies, online first:
Lottholz, P./ Bonacker, T. 2022: Understanding the Post-Imperial Politics of Security, Stability and Ordering in Central Asia: An Introduction, online first:
Bonacker, T. 2021: Reporting Security: Postcolonial Governmentality in the United Nations’ Trusteeship System, in: International Political Sociology,
Bonacker, T./ Distler, W. 2021: Securitisation in World Politics. The Conflict on the Self-Determination of East Timor at the United Nations, in: International Quarterly for Asian Studies 52: 1-2, 35-54
Bonacker, T & Sydiq, T 2020: The International and the Construction of Opposition in Iran, in: R. Ouaissa, F. Pannewick & A. Strohmeier (Hg.): Re-Configurations. Contextualising Transformation Processes and Lasting Crises in the Middle East and North Africa, Springer (open access) 65-81.
Bonacker, T & Zimmer, K 2019: The Localization of Sexual Rights in Ukraine, in: Radzhana Buyantueva & Maryna Shevtsova (Hg.): LBTQ+ Activism in Centralk and Eastern Europe, Cham: Palgrave, 153-184.
Bonacker, T (2019): Security Practices and the Production of Center-Periphery-Figurations in Statebuilding, in: Alternatives, online first:
Bonacker, T/ Distler, W/ Ketzmerick, M 2018: Securitisation and Desecuritisation of Violence in Trusteeship Statebuilding, in: Civil Wars, online first:
Bonacker, T 2018: The Militarization of Security. A Systems Theory Perspective, in: Critical Military Studies, online first: DOI:10.1080/23337486.2018.1505383
Bonacker, T/ Brodocz, A 2017: Introduction: Authority Building in International Administered Territories, in: Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 11:4, 395-498
Bonacker, T/ Distler, W/ Ketzmerick, M (Hg.) 2017: Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention, Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Bonacker, T/ Liebetanz. D 2017: How Dynamics of Security Contribute to Illiberal Statebuildung: The Case of Tajikistan, in: Bonacker, T/ Distler, W/ Ketzmerick, M (Hg.) (2017): Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 245-270
Bonacker, T/ Ketzmerkick, K 2017: How Security Dynamics Shaped Trusteeship Statebuilding: The French Adminstration of Cameroon, in: Bonacker, T/ Distler, W/ Ketzmerick, M (Hg.) (2017): Securitization in Statebuilding and Intervention, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 155-182.
Bonacker, T/ von Heusinger, J/Zimmer, K 2017: Localization in Development Aid. How Global Institutions enter Local Lifeworlds, London/ New York
Bonacker, T 2015: The Inclusion of Victims and the Globalization of Criminal Law, in: Boris Holzer/ Fatima Kastner/ Tobias Werron (ed): From Globalization to World Society. Neo-Institutional and Systems-Theoretical Perspectives, London/ New York: Routledge, 107-127
Bonacker, T/ Kowalewski, S 2014: Peacebuilding and Human Rights, in: Anja Mihr & Mark Gibney (ed.): The SAGE Handbook of Human Rights, London: Sage, 875-894
Bonacker, T/ Safferling, C (ed.) 2013: Victims of International Crimes: An Interdisciplinary Discourse, Den Haag: Asser Press/ Springer Verlag.
Bonacker, T/ Buckley-Zistel, S 2013: Transitions from Violence - Analyzing the Effects of Transitional Justice, Focus Section on the Impact of Transitional Justice, in: International Journal of Conflict and Violence 7 (1)
Bonacker, T 2013: Global Victimhood. On the Charisma of the Victim in Transitional Justice Processes, in: World Political Science Review 9, 1, 97-121
Bonacker, T/ Safferling, C. (ed.) 2013: Victims of International Crimes: An Interdisciplinary Discourse, Den Haag: Asser Press/ Springer Verlag.
Bernshausen, S./ Bonacker, T 201): A Constructivist Perspective on Systemic Conflict Transformation. In: Daniela Körppen, Norbert Ropers & Hans J. Giessmann (eds.): The Non-Linearity of Peace Processes. Theory and Practice of Systemic Conflict Tranformation, p. 23-38
Bonacker, T/ Diez, T/ Gromes, T/ Groth, J/ Pia, E 2011: Human Rights and the (De)Securitization of Conflict, in: R Marchetti/ N Tocci (ed.): Civil Society, Conflicts and the Politicization of Human Rights, Tokio: United Nations University Press, 14-46
Bonacker, T/ Braun, C/ Groth, J 2011: The Impact of Civil Society on Conflict: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis, in: R Marchetti/ N Tocci (ed.): Civil Society, Conflicts and the Politicization of Human Rights, Tokio: United Nations University Press, 220-242.
Bonacker, T/ Form, W/ Pfeiffer, D 2011: Transitional Justice and Victim Participation in Cambodia: A World Polity Perspective
Bonacker, T/ Wagner, U. 2010: Genocide Prevention and the Dynamics of Conflict, in: C Safferling/ E Conze (ed): The Genocide Convention. Sixty Years after its Adoption, Den Haag: Asser Press, 99-110
Bonacker, T 2007: Debordering by Human Rights. The Challenge of Postterritorial Conflicts in World Society. In: Stephan Stetter (ed.): Contradictions! Territorial Conflicts in World Society, London: Routledge, p. 21-36
Bonacker, T/ Gromes, T 2007: Securitisation as a Tool for Analysing the Role of Human Rights-Related Civil Society in Ethno-Political Conflicts, Working Paper Series, Center for Conflict Studies, Marburg.
Bonacker, T 2006: Disclosing Critique. The Contingency of Understanding in Adornos Interpretative Social Theory, in: European Journal of Social Theory 9.
Bonacker, T 2006: What Do We Have in Common? Modernity and the Paradoxes of Postnational Integration, in: Studies in Social and Political Thought 10, p. 73-97.
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