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Marburg Mini Moot 2014

The Marburg Mini Moot will take place in the Old Auditorium (Lahntor 3) on March 13, 2014.
Starting from 09.00 am, we welcome guests interested in experiencing what the Vis Moot Court is about. During the course of the day teams from Osnabrück, Würzburg and Marburg will plead against each other.
The teams, each represented by two of their members at a time, will plead once representing Claimant and once representing Respondent. They will have about 30 minutes to persuade the arbitral tribunal of their client's position. The tribunal hearing the case will consist of professors from Marburg and experienced practitioners.
In between, coffee, tea and cookies for participants and visitors will be provided and of course there will be chances to learn a lot. The Vis Moot Court is of interest for everybody wanting to open up to perspectives beyond the ordinary.
The Moot trains how to handle situations involving international commercial law and how to appear in front of an arbitral tribunal consisting of arbitrators with different legal backgrounds. The event will be held in English and is, thus, preparing for future careers.
The Marburg team is looking forward to an interested audience that it is happy to host and on whose support it counts to strengthen the home-advantage. For this reason, we would like to cordially invite you to attend the Marburg Mini Moot!
09:00 | Welcome and introduction to the case |
09:30 | First round: Marburg v. Würzburg |
11:15 | Coffee break (sponsored by the Ursula‐Kuhlmann‐Fonds) |
11:45 | Second round: Würzburg v. Osnabrück |
13:30 | Lunch break |
15:00 | Third round: Osnabrück v. Marburg |