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Bachelor Studies

Photo: Felix Wesch

Useful information about our Bachelor teaching program.

  • Entrepreneurial Finance

    The challenge of envisioning a new product or service, inspiring others with entrepreneurial spirit and bringing it to market can be one of the great experiences in life. Of course, all ventures require financing – taking investors’ money today and expecting to return a significantly larger amount in the future. In the meantime, the venture must manage its financial resources, communicate effectively with all stakeholders and create the harvest value expected by investors.

    The objective of this course is to introduce the financial knowledge and tools an entrepreneur needs to start, build and harvest a venture. At this, we adopt a life cycle approach to entrepreneurial finance. Specifically, following an initial developing stage, successful ventures reach a startup stage in which they focus on their business model and plan. As marketing and sales begins, ventures undergo a survival stage and then typically enter a rapid-growth stage in which they start demonstrating value creation. Finally, early-maturity stage ventures seek for ways to harvest the value created and provide a return to their investors. Upon successful completion of this course, you are familiar with the financial management tools and techniques. Moreover, you will have developed a thorough understanding of potential investors and their mindset as well as the institutional environment in which ventures operate during the different stages.

    Check out the latest student feedback on our teaching: Student Feedback

    For the Entrepreneurial Finance module we were granted by the student council The Best Teaching Award 2017/18 (Bachelor). We are especially pleased about this award!

    Type: Lecture (6 ECTS)
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Stolper
    Term: Winter term
    Examination: Final Exam
    Language: English
    Details: Please find further information about this course in the B.Sc. course catalogue.
  • Quantitative Methods

    Discover how statistical methods and tools are vital for today's managers as you learn how to apply these tools to real business problems. In walking you through these methodsological approaches, we emphasize applications over calculation and employ a proven three-step approach to problem solving. You learn

    1.    how to identify the correct statistical technique by focusing on the problem objective and the data at hand,
    2.    how to conduct the relevant statistical analysis (using Excel if applicable), and
    3.    how to thoroughly interpret your results in the context of the problem.

    Comprehensive examples, exercises, and cases address the various functional areas of business and demonstrate how marketing managers, financial analysts, accountants, and economists rely on statistical analysis to run their business. Upon successful completion of the course ‘Quantitative Methods’, you are familiar with the nuts and bolts of statistical data analysis in order to meet a key requirement to thrive in today’s data-driven business.

    Type: Lecture (6 ECTS)
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Stolper
    Term: Summer term
    Examination: Final Exam
    Language: German
    Details: Please find further information about this course in the B.Sc. course catalogue.
  • Personal Finance

    The aim of this module is to provide you with the knowledge and skills required for sound and independent financial management at household level. Financial decisions accompany us throughout our lives - be it saving, investing or dealing with debt. Well thought-out financial planning and an understanding of financial risks are therefore essential for economic independence and long-term security.
    Over the course of the module, you will learn to make informed and reflective financial decisions. You will acquire a basic understanding of budgeting, saving behavior and investment strategies as well as how to hedge against financial risks. You will critically examine potential incentive conflicts in the financial industry and develop your own strategies for minimizing financial risks.
    Through interactive classroom sessions, you will develop the skills to understand complex financial concepts and apply them to your personal life situation. After successfully completing this module, you will be able to draw up a long-term financial plan and implement it independently.

    Type: Lecture (6 ECTS)
    Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Stolper
    Term: Winter term
    Examination: Final Exam
    Language: German
    Details: Please find further information about this course in the B.Sc. course catalogue.
