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BF Thesis Award 

Rolf K. Wegst

Find out more about how to take part in the Behavioral Finance Thesis Award.

Since December 2022, the  Behavioral Finance Research Group and Sparkasse Marburg-Biedenkopf have presented the Behavioral Finance Thesis Award for the best thesis in the field of Behavioral Finance and Household Finance. The prize is endowed with €250 and is donated by Sparkasse Marburg-Biedenkopf.


Registration deadline:

The registration deadline will be announced soon.


If you would like your thesis to be considered in the procedure, please send us an e-mail with the following documents to :

  • Thesis (PDF)
  • Writing period
  • Short CV (PDF)

We look forward to your submission!

Previous award winners

Winter semester 2024:

Photo: SKMB

Carolin Hanika, M.Sc. 
„Is Sustainable Investing a Question of Money? Insights from German Privat Households”  
Saskia Müller, B.Sc. 
„Finfuencer vs. Finanzberater: Wie investiert die Gen Z zukünftig?”
Jonathan Freund, B.Sc. 
„Empirische Analyse von Verhandlungen zwischen Gründern und Investoren auf Geschlechtsunterschiede”

Winter semester 2023:

Photo: SKMB

Johannes Tsouchlos, M.Sc.
„Buy-and-hold revisited: Analyzing recommended mutual fund holding periods”

Summer semester 2023:

Photo: SKMB

Lena Pfannstiel, M.Sc.
"Social Trading and the Impact of Behavioral Biases"

Winter semester 2022:

Photo: SKMB

Marie-Therèse Radetzky, M.Sc
“Skin in the game: Do portfolio managers have superior information? Evidence from personal investments in the funds they manage”
