Main Content
The “Marburger Institut für Innovationsforschung und Existenzgründungsförderung” (MAFEX) actively supports start-up projects of students and employees of the Philipps-Universität Marburg. In addition to the entrepreneurial training of academics, this support includes consulting and coaching services as well as contact mediation for those interested in setting up their own business. In addition to start-up support, MAFEX also supports innovation enhancement.
The institute is based on two pillars:
- Raising awareness for and support of business start-ups from the university
- Knowledge transfer and consulting in the field of innovation management

Thus the activities of the institute cover beside the activity feather of the establishment promotion also the support of established small and thus medium-size enterprises from the city Marburg as well as from the region of the district Marburg Biedenkopf within the range of the innovation promotion. The activities and services of the "Entrepreneurship Cluster Mittelhessen" (ECM) in Marburg are also integrated into the institute.
The institute is structured in such a way that the interests of the various stakeholders and reference groups of the Mafex are duly taken into account. The organ structure is intended to strengthen the interdisciplinary character of MAFEX within the university on the one hand and to integrate non-university interest groups on the other.
We have also invited top-class guest lecturers for future courses. You can look forward to the following guest lectures and case studies in the future: MAFEX Homepage