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Frequently Asked Questions Before the During the Project

  • How long does the Graduate Research Project take/How does the Graduate Research Project fit into study plan (that rely on 6 ECTS modules)?

    As a rule, the Graduate Research Project should not exceed 6 month. The exact positioning of the project in the study plan is flexible and depend on industry partner or the supervisor. The Graduate Research Project is scheduled for the third semester for organizational reasons only. In particular, it is possible and recommended to start preparatory work in the semester break. Moreover, you can think about submitting the paper in the ensuing semester break.

  • Can I do a project alone or do I need a team?

    With industry-oriented projects a team of three people is standard, whereas a single person usually works on research-oriented projects. -  However, we have had single persons working on industry-oreinted projects. Moreover, teamwork is not impossible with research-oriented projects. I any event, you must organize and manage your team by yourself. The Finance and Banking Research Group will not force people upon teams or remove people from teams. Sie sind hierbei jedoch aufgefordert, sich selbstständig in Gruppen zu organisieren.

    Teamwork possesses one prerequiste: The contributions of the team members must be clearly identifiable so that they can be graded separately. In research-oriented projects, this requirement can be met, for example, as follow: One team meber computes the theoretical model, the other team member does the empirical analysis. In industry-oriented projects the first team member is responsible for the generation of the data set, the second team member  programs the algorithms, and the third team member provides the economic interpretation of the results.

  • Who is responsible for the composition of and the job allocation within the team?

    The team itself. Therefore you must organize and manage your team by yourself. The Finance and Banking Research Group will not force people upon teams or remove people from teams.

  • Are there further requirements during the project?


    If a project is done by a project team, the individual contributions of the team members must be consolidated to create one file. Moreover, a specific time schedule must be elaborated and agreed upon with both supervisor and industrial partner.

  • When must papers be written and presentations be held?

    The exact timing is individually determined by project team and superviros (in case of a research-oreinted project) or supervisor and industrial partner ( in case of a industry-oritented project). due to the individual natrue of projects it is impossible to develop a standardized approach. However, the total length of the project should not exceed one semester.

  • Do costs occur or do I receive a salary?

    Since a project is part of your academic education neither costs nor salaries will occur. If you work with a compnay not located near to Marburg, travelling expenses might arise. However, we ask compnies to cover these travelling expenses.

    Salaries will not be paid becasue the project is part of your examination. However, if a company has been very happy with the project, it might be willing to pay kind of a performance-based bonus.