20.08.2018 Doctoral Workshop on Family Firm Research with Prof. Ignacio Requejo (Salamanca, Spain) took place on 16-17 August, 2018

16-17 August 2018, Marburg. The Doctoral Workshop on Family Firm Research took place last week as part of the visiting program of Prof. Ignacio Requejo from the University of Salamanca (Spain). The workshop, hosted by MARG in Marburg, was a highly successful event for clustering and networking of different research projects with participants from Philipps University of Marburg, Justus-Liebig University of Giessen, and University of Witten/Herdecke.
The objectives of this workshop were achieved by bringing together research projects, exchanging knowledge and ideas and promoting inter-project collaborations.
In addition to the PhD seminar hold by Prof. Ignacio Requejo, all participants had the opportunity to present their current research projects, main results and key outcomes that triggered insightful discussions for further approaches, methods and solutions.
The MARG would like to thank all participants for their interest and their meaningful contribution during the workshop. We are especially grateful to Prof. Ignacio Requejo for his visit and great cooperation!