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BSc. Seminar - Sustainability and Executive Compensation (Summer 2024)

[Course language: German]

Objective and lecturing style:

Students should learn to analyze and discuss theoretical issues and practical implications of executive pay arrangements. The seminar will center on measuring and evaluating of remuneration paid to CEO and senior management team of the leading German-based corporations. This will include a descriptive analysis of executive compensation (volume, structure, and ratios), examining the determinants of a compensation design and discussing the cause-and-effect relationships while considering endogeneity concerns. Students are asked to work on a research question as well as on related introductory collection of data. Thereby, students work in groups of up to 3 individuals.

The seminar is designed to develop and deepen the understanding of theoretical research in the area of management accounting and to apply theoretically discussed problems in an introductory collection of data to attain insights on empirical research. It will enhance the students’ confidence, skills and sophistication in discussing research questions, both theoretically and empirically.

The seminar prepares students for writing their bachelor thesis. Passing the seminar is a prerequisite for handing in the application to write a bachelor thesis with us.


Organizational issues will be discussed during the kick-off session. Students will present their work on the presentation day. The schedule is as follows:

Kick-off session:

April 23rd, 10 a.m. | Location: 00011 (AP 2) (Am Plan 1 und 2, Institutsgebäude (U | 07))

Mid-presentation: May 28th, 10 a.m. | Location: 00011 (AP 2) (Am Plan 1 und 2, Institutsgebäude (U | 07))
Seminar paper deadline: TBD


Students interested in participating in the BSc.-seminar on Executive compensation are welcome to hand in their applications. Please send your current transcript of records and CV to and please register for the seminar in MARVIN!


The course is a prerequisite for writing your bachelor thesis with the Management Accounting Research Group in the upcoming summer term 2024.

The seminar is limited to 16 students.


Please contact in case of any inquiries.