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On this page you will find an overview of all former PhD students who completed their doctoral projects at The MARG.

Dr. Michelle Schlosser
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Dissertation: "Essays on Corporate Governance and Strategic Business Transformation"
Contact: LinkedIn Profile

Dr. Marina Kononova
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Dissertation: "Essays in Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, and Regulations Using Econometric and Machine Learning Methods"
Contact: LinkedIn Profile

Dr. Markus Fütterer
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Dissertation: "Essays in Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, and Family Firm Behavior"
Contact: LinkedIn Profile

Dr. Iuliia Udoieva
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Dissertation: "Essays on the Effect of Management Control, Regulations and Corporate Governance"
Contact: LinkedIn Profile

Dr. Olena Mavropulo
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Dissertation: "Essays on Value-Based Management and Controls Systems"
Contact: LinkedIn Profile

Dr. Kai Henseler
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Dissertation: "Essays on the Challenges of Monetary Policy at the Zero Lower Bound"
Contact: LinkedIn Profile

Dr. Johannes Beyenbach
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Dissertation: "Essays on Financing, Investment and Corporate Governance in Family Firms"
Contact: LinkedIn Profile
Dr. Daniel Powell
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Dissertation: "Essays in corporate governance, corporate finance and control"
Contact: LinkedIn Profile
Dr. Hendrik Schuchardt
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Dissertation: "Aufsätze zur Corporate Governance und Aufsichtsratsvergütung in Unternehmen des deutschen Prime Standards"
Selected Publication: 10 Jahre Transparenz in der Aufsichtsratsvergütung deutscher Prime-Standard-Unternehmen, Zeitschrift für Corporate Governance, 04/2016, pp. 172-181 (together with M. S. Rapp and M. Wolff)
Contact: Please get in touch with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marc Steffen Rapp

Dr. Andreas Killi
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Dissertation: "Essays on the value of financial flexibility"
Selected Publication: Cash holdings and leverage of German listed firms – Evidence from 1992 to 2011 (2015), Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis (BFuP), accepted for publication (together with M. S. Rapp)
Contact: LinkedIn Profile
Dr. Kai Blume
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Dissertation: „Essays on Value-Based Management Systems“
Selected Publication: VBM in Deutschland: Status quo und Herausforderungen, Controlling - Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung (accessible here), Vol. 27(6)/2015, S. 330-337 (together with M. S. Rapp, F. Wiedemann, M. Wolff)
Contact: XING Profile
Dr. Patrick Jaslowitzer
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Dissertation: "Essays on Corporate Investment Behaviour and Specific Governance- and Strategy-Related Determinants"
Contact: LinkedIn Profile
Dr. Tobias Walther-Merkwitz
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Dissertation: “Essays on corporate governance and mergers & acquisitions”
Contact: LinkedIn Profile