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Courses for Master Students
Here you can find an overview of current modules for the master degree. You can find a general overview of the courses here.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Business Model Innovation
Course description
Well-known industry giants of the past, like Kodak or Yahoo, have disappeared while other firms, like Google, Uber or Blinkist, have become rising stars. Why is this the case? In order to understand these developments, it is advisable to examine their business models, namely how enterprises create, deliver and capture value. Nowadays, a company's long-term competitive success depends to a large extent upon its ability to create an innovative business model. For many start-ups a business model innovation is often the starting point. The entrepreneur creates consumer value by offering new ways of doing business. Similarly, incumbent firms have to find innovative ways of doing business and replace old, outdated business models in order to survive. This implies for existing firms to critically evaluate their business model and eventually to transform their organization and business model.
In this course, students will reflect upon business model innovations of start-ups and incumbent firms. An introduction to the theoretical foundations and tools of business model innovations are provided in the first part of the lecture. Multiple examples of business model innovations are discussed in class. The Business Model Canvas (BMC) by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) will be introduced as it is a very powerful and frequently used tool to systematically understand and analyze business models. Students will also be acquainted with external factors that drive business model innovations. In particular, technological trends like the internet, cloud computing or artificial intelligence have tremendously influenced the creation of new business models. Moreover, the Covid-19 crisis is challenging many existing business models, leading to business crisis, painful bankruptcies and hence to the breakdown of hitherto (successful) business models. This new era of creative destruction (Schumpeter, 1942), however, also allows for genuine business model innovations.
In the second part of the lecture students themselves (in groups) will apply their analytical skills and appropriate tools to examine business models in selected industries. Each group will present their findings in class, leading towards a vivid class discussion.
Throughout the semester we will welcome various business practitioners who will provide hands-on insights into business model innovations.
The course is held in English. Therefore, the lecture, presentations and the final examination are held in English. Guest lectures by invited speakers might take place in English or German.
Course registration is required via the Campus Management System MARVIN.
First lecture + exercise class: 15. October 2024, 8h15 – 12h00
type of event: lecture (6 ECTS) lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vivien Procher regular cycle: winter term exam form: written exam teaching and examination language: English Link to MARVIN: lecture and exercise link Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Current Topics in Entrepreneurship
Course description
Entrepreneurship is a multifaceted phenomenon and this course will address various current topics in entrepreneurship. After a general introduction to entrepreneurship, students will learn about hybrid entrepreneurship, i.e., the combination of entrepreneurship and dependent employment. Although most ventures are founded by hybrid entrepreneurs, this topic has only recently received more academic attention. The competitive pressure on established companies requires firms to transform and innovate. But how can firms the creative spirit of young start-ups? Corporate entrepreneurship is concerned with firms’ entrepreneurial behavior and strategies of established companies. Therefore, firms need to create an environment that supports entrepreneurial employees.
In the second half of the lecture, we will look at entrepreneurship policy issues. Why should governments support entrepreneurs and what are they doing to encourage entrepreneurial activity? Governments and public policy are critical to creating a thriving ecosystem for entrepreneurs. Next, students are introduced to social and female entrepreneurship. In addition to economic goals, social entrepreneurs care about today’s global challenges and seek to create a business that has a social, sustainable, or cultural impact. Even though the number of women starting a business is slowly growing (in Germany it is still less than 20%), women still seem to face particular hurdles when they want to grow their business. We therefore need to develop a better understanding of female entrepreneurship.
Several invited guest speakers will provide real-world insights and give students the opportunity to further discuss current topics in entrepreneurship.
Important note for students: The module is organized in such a way that the lectures take place first (in April and May) and the exercises follow afterwards (in May and June). The lectures start in the first week of the summer term. There will be two lectures per week. There will then be two exercises per week in the same time slots from the end of May.
The entire course is held in English (including the exam). Guest lectures by invited speakers might take place in English or German.Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Master Seminar Entrepreneurship & Innovative Business Models (Venture Expedition Berlin)
Venture Expedition Berlin: a 4-day seminar for Master students of FB02 in Berlin. (13.-16. May 2025)
Berlin is an attractive location for start-ups in Germany. It has the highest density of start-ups per 100,000 inhabitants at 35.6 and is also home to several unicorns. To explore and learn more about this start-up landscape, this seminar will take place in Berlin for four days, where participants can meet and exchange ideas with experts.
In the past, countless start-ups have revolutionized the market and consumer behavior with innovative products or services. Especially the field of medicine and digitalization is in demand. As Germany works on support methods for business foundations, one can be sure that the number and importance of start-ups will increase soon. Therefore, a more comprehensive understanding of this topic is valuable for academic and professional purposes.
Founders and leading voices will share their stories and give students the unique opportunity to ask for opinions, inspiration, and personal experiences.
Apply now until March 04, 2025 (23h59) by submitting your application consisting of a 1-page motivational letter, CV, and current Transcript of Records to Please use "Application | Venture Expedition Berlin | Summer 25" as the subject line for your e-mail.
There will be a personal contribution of around €250.type of event: seminar (6 ECTS) lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vivien Procher exam form: presentation + written seminar paper teaching and examination language: English Link to MARVIN: seminar link Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Entrepreneurial Innovation through Design Thinking (German only)
Registration on Marvin: "Wahlpflichtbereich Projektstudium" - "Graduate (Research) Project"
“Entrepreneurial Innovation through Design Thinking” is an innovative course designed to equip aspiring students (and prospective entrepreneurs) with a powerful, human-centered approach to problem-solving and business creation. This course integrates the principles of design thinking with entrepreneurial practice, guiding you through a process of empathetic understanding, ideation, and experimentation to drive successful business ventures.
In the first semester (winter term), you will focus on understanding and applying design thinking tools and techniques. You will engage in hands-on workshops and projects to learn how to empathize with users, define problems, brainstorm solutions, and prototype ideas.
The second semester (summer term) shifts to the development of a business plan, where you will apply the insights gained from the first semester to create a detailed, actionable business strategy. This progression allows for a deep integration of design thinking into practical entrepreneurial planning and execution.
Important note for students: No prior experience in design thinking is required. However, a willingness to engage in creative problem-solving and a proactive approach to learning will be beneficial. The course will be conducted in German, though lecture slides and literature may be provided in English. To pass the course, students must successfully complete both consecutive semesters.
First lecture + exercise class: 24. October 2024, 9h00 – 16h00 in room AP2type of event: interactive lecture (12 ECTS) lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vivien Procher, MAFEX exam form: Business plan & Presentation regular cycle: winter term 2024/2025 and summer term 2025 teaching and examination language German Link to Marvin: lecture link