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Foto: Rolf K. Wegst

On this page you will find an overview of all former PhD students who completed their doctoral projects at our Chair as well as all at the former Chair of Logistics.

Martin Röder

Foto: M. Röder

Martin Röder was a research associate of the working group for Entrepreneurship and Innovative Business Models of Prof. Dr. Vivien Procher at the Philipps University in Marburg until February 2024. From 2018 to 2020 he completed his master's degree at the Grenoble École de Management (Berlin Campus) in International Business. Mr. Röder gained practical experience at numerous companies such as BASF, Barclays, Siemens Mobilities, Commerzbank, EY, and SAP. His research interests are in the areas of ​​public funding of startups, strategy, and innovation management.

Dr. Johannes Dahl

Picture: Johannes Dahl

Johannes Dahl was a research associate of the working group for logistics and general business administration of Prof. Dr. Göpfert at the Philipps University in Marburg until 2020. After his bachelor's degree at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart in 2014, he completed his master's degree with a focus on market-oriented management as well as innovation and information in 2017. During his studies, he gained practical experience in two of the largest automotive suppliers, which was the basis for his research interest in the area of supplier evaluation in the automotive industry.

Today, Mr. Dahl is working as a project manager for Central and Eastern Europe at Hilti Group, leading international projects with strategic impact.

Dr. Patrick Seeßle

Foto: Patrick Seeßle

Patrick Seeßle was a research associate of the working group for logistics and general business administration of Prof. Dr. Göpfert at the Philipps University in Marburg until 2020.
From 2014 to 2016 he completed his master's degree with a focus on market-oriented corporate management as well as innovation and information. In addition to his vocational training as an industrial clerk (Edelmann GmbH), Mr. Seeßle gained practical experience at the logistics service provider Dachser SE. His research interests are in the area of ​​startups and digital business models in the logistics industry.