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Thesis and seminar papers
Thank you for your interest in our writing your thesis with us. Please consider the general hints for writing a thesis (in German only).
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Bachelor thesis
You can write your bachelor thesis in English or in German. Please refer to the German version of our websites for the procedure and suggestions of possible topics.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Master thesis
Master theses can be written in the areas of institutional economics, political economics, or organizational economics. A specific topic for the Master thesis is developed jointly with the adviser based on the student's and the adviser's personal research interests.
Your goal is to demonstrate a deep understanding of the chosen topic and to contribute to answering the chosen research question. A good thesis provides a survey of the related literature, an in-depth discussion of the most relevant research paper, and an independent contribution to the question under consideration. The literature on which the thesis is to be built shall be discussed with the adviser in advance. A very good thesis contains at least one remarkable extension of the literature.
Citations, literal or analogous, must be identifiable as such. A lack of reference to the original source of an argument is a plagiarism and triggers rejection of the thesis. Please note the university's guidelines on plagiarism.
The thesis should consist of 50-60 pages. Data, computer code, or detailed proofs can be provided in an appendix. The thesis shall be prepared in English.
If you are interested in writing your Master thesis with us, please send an e-mail indicating your research interests, to
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Seminars
Bachelorseminar in the summer term 2022 (in German): Noise: Was unsere Entscheidungen verzerrt und wie wir sie verbessern können
Masterseminar in the summer term 2022: Topics in Organizational Economics.