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Publikationen Dr. Enrico Böhme
Enrico Böhme (2017): "Second-degree price discrimination on two-sided markets", Review of Network Economics, forthcoming.
Enrico Böhme and Christopher Müller (2016): "Monopolistic location choice in a two-sided Hotelling model", Bulletin of Economic Research, 68(S1), 97–110.
Christopher Müller and Enrico Böhme (2014): " The monopoly benchmark on two-sided markets", Finnish Economic Papers, 27(1), 56-69.
Enrico Böhme and Christopher Müller (2013): "Price-increasing competition on two-sided markets with homogeneous platforms", Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, 13 (4), 453-479.
Christopher Müller and Enrico Böhme (2011): " A note on the relationship of mainstream and art house movie theaters", Economics Bulletin, 31 (1), 29-34.
Enrico Böhme and Christopher Müller (2011): "Searching for the concentration-price effect in the German movie theater industry", Journal of Economics and Statistics, 231 (4), 479-493.