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Prof. Dr. Björn Vollan

Sustainable Use of Natural Resources
Am Plan 2, 35037 Marburg
Phone: +49 (0) 6421-28-23725
Fax: +49 (0) 6421-28-23780
Email: bjoern.vollan[at]
Björn Vollan is the Robert Bosch Junior Professor for Sustainable Use of Natural Resources. His research agenda combines questions pertaining to environmental economics, development economics and behavioral economics. More specifically, he relies on economic experimental techniques carried out in the field to study questions related to the nature of pro-social and anti-social preferences in different contexts and the effectiveness of institutions for governance of natural resources, collective action or risk-sharing networks in developing countries.
So far he has worked in Namibia, South Africa, Cambodia, Philippines, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, China and Mexico and even in Germany. Whether social preferences of individuals change due to context conditions and if so, how this interacts with policies and institutions is also central to his most recent research project which focuses on the impacts of climate change on human behavior.