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MACIE Seminar

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The MACIE seminar series takes place - unless otherwise stated - on Thursdays, 4:30-6:00 pm.

Seminar schedule for the winter term 2024/25

Date Speaker Topic
24.10.2024 Anna Ressi, WHU Fake News and the Problem of Disregarding True Messages: Theory and Experimental Evidence
31.10.2024 Juliane Koch, Lund University (Sweden) Wasteful Bluffing in Charitable Giving – An Experiment on Indirect Signalling
05.12.2024 Igor Asanov, University of
Showing Life Opportunities: Online Education to Boost Opportunity-driven Entrepreneurship and Science Careers.

Özer Karagedikli,
Asia School of Business
Beyond the Aggregate: Heterogenous Effects of Monetary Policy on Credit Allocation
06.02.2025 Mark Andor, RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Evaluating the Effectiveness of Sustainable Transport Alternatives in Reducing Car Use: A Large-Scale Field Test

Sarah Necker
ifo Institut und Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Does information on tax shifting shift tax preferences?

Seminar schedule for the summer term 2024

Date Speaker Topic
18.4.2024 Waldemar Marz, ifo Institut Income inequality and political polarization
02.05.2024 Petra Nieken, Karlsruhe (KIT) The Gender of Opportunity: How Gendered Job Titles Affect Job Seeker Attention
16.05.2024 Mara Buhmann, Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Economic Shocks and worker careers: how has the Covid-19 pandemic affected transitions out of unemployment?
Jeff Reuer, University of Colorado Alliance Design
23.05.2024 Levent Yilmaz, Turkish German University Istanbul Immigrants’ Personality Characteristics and Return Intentions
13.06.2024 Julia Blasch, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt Energy transition at home: Understanding citizens' preferences and biases regarding energy efficient renovations
20.06.2024 Luisa Braunschweig, Institute for Employment Research (IAB) Assortative Worker-Firm Matching over the Career
04.07.2024 Mike Felgenhauer, Brunel University London Creativity and Scientific Misconduct
11.07.2024 Simon Hess, Universität Wien "Social networks, local elections, and female representation: Evidence from Nepali voter registration data

Seminar schedule for the winter term 2023/24

Date Speaker Topic
26.10.2023 Emanuela Carbonara
Universitá di Bologna
Mitigating the Labor Displacing Effects of Automation through a Robot Tax: Evidence from a Survey Experiment
02.11.2023 Maite Lameris
University of Groningen
National Identification and Voting Behaviour
09.11.2023 Philipp Lergetporer
TUM School of Management
Early Child Care, Maternal Labor Supply, and Gender Equality: A Randomized Controlled Trial
16.11.2023 Andreas Ziegler
Universität Kassel
The expressive effect of legal norms
30.11.2023 Adel Karaa
Université de Tunis
Towards an Integrated Model of the Mediating Effect of the Process of Individual Perceptions on the Relationship Between Job Quality and Mobility Intentions
14.12.2023 Friedrich Heinemann 
ZEW Mannheim & University of Heidelberg
Europe‘s Fiscal Constitution and its Pandemic Transformation

Jerg Gutmann
Universität Hamburg
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on International Migration
11.01.2024 Irina Panovska
University of Texas at Dallas
Business Cycle Synchronization and Asymmetry in the European Union
18.01.2024 Giang Nghiem
Leibniz University Hannover
Inflation Literacy, Inflation
Expectations, and Trust in the Central Bank: A Survey Experiment
01.02.2024 Stefan Voigt Universität Hamburg Eliciting Values and Social Norms from Folktales – Introducing the Historical Values Survey

Seminar schedule for the summer term 2023

Date Speaker Topic
13.04.2023 Dr. Duncan Roth, IAB Optimal minimum wages in spatial economics

Dr. Tinoush Jamali Jaghdani, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) The stability of global wheat trade network in the post-Soviet era; trade duration approach

Dr. Daniel Meierrieks, WZB Berlin Social Science Center Terrorism and Child Mortality
04.05.2023 Prof. Dr. Claude Fluet, Université Laval

Consumer Protection in Retail Investments: Are Market Adjusted Damages Efficient?
11.05.2023 Prof. Dr. Till Requate, Universtiät Kiel Are two networks one too many? Optimal network sizes under uncertain technological progress
01.06.2023 Prof. Dr. Joachim Schleich, Grenoble Ecole de Management and Fraunhofer ISI Karlsruhe The Moral Cost of Carbon
Olivia Yates, University of Auckland 'There’s so Much More to that Sinking Island': Victimhood and Justice in New Zealanders’ Attitudes Towards Climate Mobility
29.06.2023 Prof. Dr. Tim Krieger, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg On the effect of religiosity on pre-Enlightenment warfare
06.07.2023 Prof. Dr. Pierre-Guillaume Meon, Université libre de Bruxelles From connections to persistence: Evidence from Political Purges in post-World War II France
13.07.2023 Dr. Johannes Zahner, Goethe Universität Frankfurt Whose Inflation Rates Matter Most? A DSGE Model and Machine Learning Approach to Monetary Policy in the Euro Area

Seminar schedule for the winter term 2022/23

Date Speaker Topic

Joshua Teitelbaum
Georgetown University
Tort Liability and Unawareness


Denys Lifintsev, Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU)
Cristina Fleșeriu, Babeș-Bolyai University
Iryna Ivanets, KNEU + Philipps-Universität

Serhii Apalkov, KNEU

Digital tools in teaching cross-cultural management and communication

Sustainable Crowdfunding: Can Crowdfunding Platforms Efficiently Fund the Voluntary Carbon Market?

17.11.2022 Roee Sarel
Universität Hamburg
Regulating Cryptocurrencies: A Law & Economics Perspective
15.12.2022 Matthias Neuenkirch
Universität Trier
Do China and Russia Undermine US Sanctions? Evidence from DiD and Event Study Estimation
12.01.2023 Charles Palmer
London School of Economics
Forest co-management, food security and poverty traps in Malawi
26.01.2023 Luigi Franzoni
University of Bologna
Lost Profits and Unjust Enrichment damages for the misappropriation of trade secrets
02.02.2023 Kjetil Bjorvatn, NHH Promises to promote honesty: Causal evidence from Norway and the United States

Seminar schedule for the summer term 2022

Date Speaker Topic

Lino Wehrheim
Uni Regensburg
Intimate or detached? The relationship between Economic History and Economics from a Topic Modelling Perspective

Colin von Negenborn
Christian-Albrechts Univ. Kiel
Alerting the Auditor: Combating Corruption in Accounting
postponed to 12.15.2022
online only!
Dr. Bernardo Moreno Jiménez
Universidad de Alicante
Pairwise justifiable changes in collective choices
19.05.2022 Deszö Szalay
Universität Bonn
Communication in the shadow of catastrophe
02.06.2022 Efi Adamopoulou Universität Mannheim Eating Habits: The Role of Early Life Experiences and Intergenerational Transmission
Room AP1
Malte Lierl, GIGA Hamburg Giving Community-Based Organizations a Stake in Local Government Performance: A Field Experiment in Burkina Faso
30.06.2022 Kevin Rich
Marquette University
A streetcar undesired? Determinants and consequences of abnormal investment in the government setting
14.07.2022 Helmut Herwartz
Universität Göttingen
Transmission of shocks in an unified monetary and financial framework

Seminar schedule for the winter term 2021/22

Date Speaker Topic
25.11.2021 Hannes Rusch
Universität Maastricht
On the effectiveness of democratic institutions in preventing ethnic conflict: Evidence from a lab-in-the-field experiment
02.12.2021 Grischa Perino
Universität Hamburg
The effect of regulatory complexity on individual voluntary climate action behavior: A representative online field experiment in Germany

Seminar schedule for the summer term 2021
In Summer Semester 2021, the MACIE Seminar is held in an online format. Those interested in attending, please register with the ILIAS group: "MACIE seminar online" to receive the login data before each video conference.

Date Speaker Topic
22.04.2021 Gerald Eisenkopf
Universität Vechta
Leadership and Cooperation in Growing Teams
20.05.2021 Peter Tillmann
Universität Gießen
Financial Markets and Dissent in the ECB's Governing Council
postponed to
Navid Sabet
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Legal Status, Local Spending and Political Empowerment: The Distributional Consequences of the 1986 IRCA

Seminar schedule for the winter term 2020/21

Date Speaker Topic
19.11.2020 Hanna Hottenrott,
TU München
Public Subsidies and the Sources of Venture Capital
21.01.2021 Marek Giebel,
Copenhagen Business School
Patent Enforcement and Innovation
04.02.2021 Claudia Herresthal,
Universität Bonn
Hidden Testing and Selective Disclosure of Evidence

Seminar schedule for the winter term 2019/20

Date Speaker Topic
17.10.2019 Steffen Eibelshäuser,
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
The Evolution of Price Cycles in the German Retail Gasoline Market


Abu Bakker Siddique,
TU München
Behavioral Consequences of Religious Education
05.12.2019 Gonzague Vannoorenberghe, Université Catholique de Louvain Recovering Within-Country Inequality From Trade Data

Tuesday, 14.01.2020 12.30h

Pierre Boyer,  École Polytechnique–CREST. Politically feasible reforms of non-linear tax systems
16.01.2020 Menusch Khadjavi Do Scientists Tell the Truth? Evidence from a Field Experiment
23.01.2020 Bernhard Ganglmair, ZEW The Effect of Patent Litigation Insurance: Theory and Evidence from NPEs
30.01.2020 Andreas Pondorfer, Universität Bonn Animal Spirits: The natural geography of economic behavior
Tomomi Miyazaki, Kobe University,
Stock Market Response to Public Investment under the Zero Lower Bound: Cross-industry Evidence from Japan
06.02.2020 Martin Rohleder,
Uni Augsburg
The Effect of Unobservable Constraints on Portfolio Management: Evidence from Separate Account-Mutual Fund Twins

Seminar schedule for the summer term 2019

Date Speaker Topic
18.04.2019 Andreas Landmann
Universität Göttingen
Gender Aspects in Low-Income Health Insurance: Evidence from Pakistan
25.04.2019 Cancelled!
02.05.2019 Catherine Roux
Universität Basel
Competition Policy for Exclusionary Pricing: Experimental Evidence
09.05.2019 Stefan Ruenzi
Universität Mannheim
The Impact of Role Models on Women's Self-Selection in Competitive Environments
Hendrik Hakenes
Universität Bonn
 Financial stability and the allocation of the deposit base in the banking system


Yukio Koriyama
École Polytechnique-CREST, F-Palaiseau

The Winner-Take-All Dilemma

06.06.2019 Lars Hornuf
Universität Bremen
Paralyzed by shock: The portfolio formation behavior of peer-to-business lending investors

Johanna Gereke
Universität Mannheim
Foreigners in hostile hinterlands: Local exposure to refugees and right-wing support in Eastern Germany after the 2015 refugee crisis
postponed to 04.07.2019! Nick Zubanov
Universität Konstanz
Skill dispersion, firm productivity, and production technology: new empirical evidence and implications
11.07.2019 Cancelled!

Seminar schedule for the winter term 2018/19

Date Speaker Topic
18.10.2018 Carsten de Dreu
Leiden University /University of Amsterdam
Revisiting the Form and Function of Conflict - Neurobiological, Psychological and Cultural Mechanisms for Attack and Defense Within and Between Groups


Pierre-Guillaume Mèon
Université Libre de Bruxelles
A Positive Effect of Political Dynasties: the case of France’s 1940 enabling act

Volker Hahn
Universität Konstanz
Committee Decision-Making under the Threat of Leaks

Andreas Lange
The risks that farmers take: An experiment on externalities with individual thresholds
Room AA110
Leonie Gerhards
Universität Hamburg
Deliberative Structures and their Impact on Voting Behavior under Social Conflict
Room AP1
Andreas Grunewald
Universität Frankfurt/Universität Bonn
Obfuscation in Auto Loan Intermediation

Jan Marcus
Universität Hamburg
The Effects of Tuition Fees on Study Duration and Completion
31.01.2019 Nora Szech
Universität Karlsruhe
The (In)Elasticity of Moral Ignorance
14.02.2019 Matthias Uhl

Seminar schedule for the summer term 2018

Date Speaker Topic
19.04.2018 Simon Dato
University of Bonn
Talent Hoarding
26.04.2018 Sandra Jednak
University of Belgrade
Economic performance and measurement of the development
03.05.2018 Heiko Karle
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Competition and Information Quality in the Market for News
17.05.2018 Alfred V. Guender
University of Canterbury
Credit Prices vs. Credit Quantities as Predictors of Economic Activity in Europe: Which Tell a Better StorY?
24.05.2018 Helmut Herwartz
Universität Göttingen
Structural volatility modelling with applications to spillover analysis and value-at-risk
07.06.2018 Vojtech Bartos
LMU München
Evidence for Direct Effect of Poverty on Time Preference: An Experiment with Ultra-poor Farmers in Uganda
14.06.2018 Florian Neumeier
ifo Institut München
Inequality and Extremist Voting: Evidence from Germany
21.06.2018 Hartmut Kliemt
JLU Giessen            
On the Nature and Significance of -- (Ideal) Rational Choice Theory
28.06.2018 Matthijs van Veelen
University of Amsterdam   
In and out of equilibrium: a unified theory of evolution in repeated games with population structure      
05.07.2018 Sebastian Ebert
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Decision Making When Things Are Only a Matter of Time
5.00 pm (!)
Massimo D'Antoni
Università di Siena
Asymmetric Learning and Deterrence when the  Probability of Sanctions is unknown