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Previous MACIE award winners
Simone Bresser has won the MACIE Award 2023 of the Marburger Gesellschaft für Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft e.V. for her Bachelor thesis "Differences in government responses during the COVID-19 pandemic : A cluster analysis".
Simon Becker reveived the MACIE Award 2022 for his Master thesis "Covid-19 and Internal Conflict: Does income inequality matter?"
Ryan Minasian reveived the MACIE Award 2022 for his Master thesis „Institutional Investor Networks and Firm Performance".
Simon Xemaire won the MACIE Award of the Marburger Gesellschaft für Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft e.V. for his Bachelor thesis „Overconfidence of lawyers and litigation outcomes“.
Cecilia Garcia Chavez received the MACIE award in 2021 for her Master‘s thesis "Do budget cycles persist in Madrid's municipalities? Re-election uncertainty matters“,
Moritz Fritschle received the MACIE award in 2021 for his Master‘s thesis "Motivated reasoning among U.S. citizens towards sea-level rise and coastal flooding",
Jonathan Hauff received the MACIE award in 2021 for his Bachelor‘s thesis "A comparison of the matching market for college admissions in the USA and China",
Andrew Reek received the MACIE award in 2021 for his Master‘s thesis "The economic effects of institutional investor networks: Evidence from Europe and the United States".
The MACIE Award of the Marburger Gesellschaft für Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft e.V. (MGOW)2021 has been awarded to Andrew Reek and Jonathan Hauff.
Marinell Falcón received the MACIE award in 2020 for her master thesis "Acquisition of startups by digital firms and merger policy"
Pierre Lauscher received the MACIE award in 2020 for his bachelor's thesis "Welchen Einfluss hat die empirische Wirtschaftsforschung auf die Bankenregulierung?".
Max Burger received the MACIE award in 2019 for his master thesis: "Confirmation Bias-An Evaluation of the Impact of Prior Beliefs on Information Assessment and Decision Making"
Marius Kinski received the MACIE award in 2019 for his master thesis "Decision Making in Complex Adaptive Systems“
Cat Lam Pham: received the MACIE award in 2019 for his master thesis "Primary Behaviour and Settlement Bargaining: The Role of Fairness Concerns“
Tobias Ritter received the MACIE award of MGOW in 2019 for his bachelor thesis "Social Environment of Households and its Impact on Financial Decision-Making“
Michelle Schlosser received the MACIE award of MGOW in 2019 for her master thesis "Governance Sentiment Score: A Crowd-based Approach to Measure Corporate Governance Quality“
Rebecca Lee Emilie Dietrich received the MACIE award in 2018 for her bachelor thesis "Incentives for Researchers: A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Scientific Misconduct". The award was supported by the MGOW e.V
Milena Ostrower, M.Sc. Economics & Institutions received the MACIE award in 2017 for her master thesis "Equity rules in climate negotiations". The award was supported by the MGOW e.V.
Ganna Kucher, M.Sc. Economics & Institutions, received the MACIE award in 2017 for her master thesis "Trade effects of tariff reduction: The case of Ukraine". The award was supported by the MGOW e.V.
Patrick Betz, B.Sc. Economics, received the MACIE award in 2016 for his bachelor thesis "Korruption, Wachstum und institutionelle Qualität". The award was supported by the Doris und Dr. Michael Hagemann-Stiftung.
Steffen Güttler, M.A. Europe: Integration and Globalization, received the MACIE award in 2016 for his master thesis "Informelles Lobbying auf EU-Ebene: Verzerren Interessengruppen Entscheidungen oder liefern sie wertvolle Information?". The award was supported by the MGOW e.V.
Iulia Udoieva, M.Sc. Business Administration, received the MACIE award in 2014 for her master thesis "R&D investments and corporate governance: An empirical analysis". The award was supported by the MGOW e.V. and the Doris and Dr. Michael Hagemann-Stiftung.
Nicolas Pardo, M.Sc. Economics & Institutions, received the MACIE award in 2013 for his master thesis "The Political Economy of Grant Allocations: Evidence from Columbia". The award was supported by the MGOW e.V. and the Doris and Dr. Michael Hagemann-Stiftung.
André Dahlinger, B.Sc. Economics, received the MACIE award in 2013 for his bachelor thesis "Modellierung von Emotionen in der Ökonomie am Beispiel von Turnieren". The award was supported by the MGOW e.V. and the Doris and Dr. Michael Hagemann-Stiftung.