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Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Medical certificates
If you are unable to take exams for health reasons, you will need a medical certificate. The certificate should state that you are "unable to take examinations". The application for withdrawal from examinations, citing grounds, must be submitted to the examination office in a timely manner together with this certificate.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Commitment to modules
A module commitment, i.e. the obligation to finish a module that has been started, exists as soon as there is a failed examination attempt. You can recognise this by the fact that the status of your module is shown as "PV" for "Prüfung vorhanden/existing examination".
No module binding (status of the module is "VB" for "vorhandene Belegung/existing booking") exists in the following cases:
(1) Only course bookings have been made so far, but no examination registrations.
(2) Ungraded assignments ("Studienleistungen), whether passed or not, do not yet trigger a module binding.
(3) A withdrawal for the examination has been recognised (note "AT" for medical certificate).For information on the possibility of releasing a module binding, see § 30 or § 32 of the examination regulations: "Wiederholung von Prüfungen".
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Statutory Declaration
Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. Accordingly, it must be ensured that all quotes are appropriately marked and sources are cited in all student papers. To attest this, all student papers are to include a signed declaration.
Declaration: By signing this declaration I confirm that I have completed the present thesis/essay independently, without help from others and without using resources other than indicated and named. All phrases that are taken directly or indirectly from other sources (incl. electronic resources), quoted verbatim or paraphrased are indicated accordingly. I am aware that any violation of this declaration will result in the work being graded as ‘failed’ (1 grade point according to § 16 (2) and 28 respectively of "Allgemeine Bestimmungen").
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Examination Aids
The aids which are allowed are noted in the examination documents. Students who do not speak German are allowed to use dictionaries, as long as they are not technical dictionaries or dictionaries which contain definitions. This must be clarified in advance with the examiner.
The following rule applies for the use of calculators in examinations for all examinations except for those in statistics, for which only certain models are allowed (guidelines of the Statistics department): "If calculators are allowed in written examinations, only non-programmable calculators are permitted." A calculator is non-programmable if text and formulas cannot be stored in it. Different rules may be set by the examiners."
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Compensation for Disadvantages
Compensation for disadvantages pursuant to § 26 of the Examination Rules (e.g. deadline extensions or time extensions in written examinations) must be requested from the Examination Board in a timely manner prior to the examination. Appropriate documentation must be attached. A part-time job, enrolment in another program, the death of persons in the student’s extended family and fear of exams do not establish grounds for compensation for disadvantages.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Language Courses
Language courses of the University's Language Centre can be recognised in the following modules:
M.Sc. Economics & Institutions (versions 20181 & 20202): Module "Key Qualifications" (ungraded, 6 CP)
M.Sc. Economics of the Middle East (versions 20172 & 20222): Module "Key Qualifications" (ungraded, 6 CP)
If you want to have courses of the Language Centre recognised, submit your certificate to the examination office after the course. Courses that have only 3 CP can be combined with other (language) courses.