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Your perspectives

Career Perspectives

With these qualifications, students will have a variety of opportunities to find work in the world of (international) business and economics after completing the programme. Solid knowledge of business administration opens up career opportunities in the private sector, in the industrial, retail and service sectors, as well as in the public sector and in associations. Intercultural skills extend students’ career prospects beyond national boundaries, into the international professional environment.

Consecutive degrees

The bachelor´s degree qualifies students for a Master’s programme in (international) business and economics in order to expand upon their knowledge, study subjects in greater depth or acquire an area of specialisation. The School of Business and Economics offers several continuing and application-oriented Master's degree programmes, such as the Master's programme in "International Business Management", which is offered as a double degree programme together with the French business school INSEEC, as well as the Master's degree in "Economics of the Middle East".