Daniela Triml-Chifflard
Research Fellow
Contact information
+49 6421 28-22161 +49 6421 28-22140 daniela.trimlchifflard@ 1 Deutschhausstraße 335032 Marburg
F|04 Institutsgebäude (Room: A017 resp. 00/1170)
Organizational unit
Philipps-Universität Marburg Gesellschaftswissenschaften und Philosophie (Fb03) Institut für Sozialanthropologie und Religionswissenschaft (ISAR) Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie (SKA)Research Assistant and Phd-Candidate.
Dissertation: Climate Change and Water related (In)Securities at the Rio Artebonito. A political ontological analysis of the fluid border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti. (Working title). In supervision, Philipps University of Marburg.
Main focus:
Regional: Caribbean especially Greater Antilles, New Zealand, Southern Africa.
Subjects: Anthropology of climate change, anthropology of water, political ontology, legal anthropology, medical anthropology, and global health.
Born in 1975 in St. Pölten, Austria. Married. Mother of two children.
2018-2020 Student research assistant in the project: "Climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa. Social and cultural perception, agricultural consequences and social transformation". Flexi-Fund Forschungscampus Mittelhessen (Uni Gießen and Uni Marburg)
04/2014 - 09/2020 Master studies in Cultural and Social Anthropology at the Philipps-University Marburg.
Master thesis: "Te Awa Tupua - The Whanganui River Claims Settlement Process in New Zealand. A practical example of Latour's Politics of Nature".10/2009 - 11/2013 Bachelor studies in Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Vienna with honors.
Bachelor theses:
1. Medical Anthropology: "Burnout. A culture-bound syndrome of the western meritocracy."
2. Environmental Anthropology: "The Narcissus Festival in Ausseerland. The transformation of a tourism event to local tradition."Further professional activities and education:
2007 - 2009 Project Manager Blaguss Event.Pro Vienna, Austria.
2008 - 2012 Employee and board member of Leprosy Relief Senegal, Vienna, Austria
2000 - 2007 Tourism Manager at Thomas Cook Reisen, Pfäffikon, Switzerland
1995 - 1996 FH Advertising Academy Vienna with honorsPublications
In preparation: Multiplicities of Water. Praxeological & Otherwise (working title)
Triml-Chifflard, Daniela. 2021. Te Awa Tupua – Der Ahne Fluss. Die Revolution der neuen Rechtssubjekte. In: Wissenschaft & Frieden 2021-2: Völkerrecht in Bewegung. Von Kritik, Krisen und Erneuerung: 12–16.
Conference Contributions / Lectures
Te Awa Tupua – Der Ahne Fluss. Die Revolution der neuen Rechtssubjekte. Vortrag in der Ringvorlesung „Konflikte in Gegenwart und Zukunft“, Zentrum für Konfliktforschung, Philipps-Universität Marburg. 22.11.21.
Multiplicities of Water. Praxeological & Otherwise. Vortrag im Panel: Water Complexities as Theoretical Challenge. Waterworlding Tagung, Institut für Europäische Ethnologie/Kulturwissenschaft, Philipps-Universität Marburg. 17. – 19.06.21.
Wasser - Ein Konfliktpotential der Zukunft? Beitrag zur UMR Vernetzt Tagung “Der Wissenschaftliche Blick auf die Krisen der Zukunft”. Philipps-Universität Marburg. 29.05.21.
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