Anne Goletz M. A.

Anne Goletz
Foto: Lilli Obholz

Occasional Lecturer

Contact information

+49 6421 28-22431 +49 6421 28-22140 anne.goletz@ 1 Deutschhausstraße 3
35032 Marburg
F|04 Institutsgebäude (Room: A204 resp. +2/1040)

Research assistant in the DFG projects “Contextualizing Yukpa language and myths. The linguistic and ethnological position of an outsider in the Cariban language family and the northern Andean lowlands” and "More than Writing: Coding and Decoding (in) Amerindian Graphisms between Mexico and the Andes".

Dissertation Project  "Transspecies Communication among the Yukpa in the Sierra de Perijá - An Ethnolinguistic Approach", supported by the Evangelische Studienwerk Villigst e.V.

Consultation hours: by arrangement

Work area:
Amerindian and African-American studies


Region: South America, esp. Colombia, Isthmo-Columbian region, South American Lowland
Issues: ethnolinguistics, mythology and local knowledge systems, ontological anthropology, sociocosmologies and transhuman communication and interaction.

Participation in the research project “Contextualizing Yukpa language and myths. The linguistic and ethnological position of an outsider in the Cariban language family and the northern Andean lowlands.”

Working on the dissertation project "Transspecies Communication among the Yukpa in the Sierra de Perijá - An Ethnolinguistic Approach", funded by the Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst e.V.

  • Vita

    Bachelor's Degree in German Studies, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies with focus on Folklore / Cultural Anthropology at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn.

    Master of Arts in Cultural and Social Anthropology with a minor in European Ethnology from the Philipps-University Marburg. Erasmus stay at Leiden University in the Indian American Studies program. Master thesis on "Is Piet een racist concept of gewoon folklore?" - The Dutch Sinterklaas celebration and the controversial character of Zwarte Piet ".

  • Publications

    Goletz, Anne. 2020. Recibiendo el canto del armadillo: transmisión onírica de saberes entre un armadillo y una mujer sabia en Sokorpa, territorio yukpa al norte de Colombia. Tabula Rasa 36.

    Goletz, Anne. 2020. “Tuwancha, "The One Who Knows": Specialists and Specialized Knowledge in Transhuman Communication Among the Sokorpa Yukpa of the Serranía Del Perijá, Colombia.” In Amerindian Socio-Cosmologies Between the Andes, Amazonia and Mesoamerica: Toward an Anthropological Understanding of the Isthmo-Colombian Area, edited by Ernst Halbmayer. [S.l.]: Routledge.

    Goletz, Schweitzer de Palacios, Halbmayer. 2018. Die Wirklichkeit des Mythos. Mythen der Yukpa aus Kolumbien und Venezuela - Eine Ausstellung / La realidad del mito. Mitos de lxs Yukpa de Colombia y Venezuela - Una exposición. Veröffentlichungen der Ethnographischen Sammlung Bd. 1.

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