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Acceptance as a Doctoral Candidate

  • Any relevant information for being accepted as a doctoral candidate can be found in the current doctoral degree regulations (Doctoral Degree Regulations from 2015).
  • The doctoral project should first be discussed with the professor who is an expert in your chosen field and who will act as your advisor.
  • Complete the application form Application as a Doctoral Candidate.
  • In addition, you must provide the following documents:
    • Final transcript or an equivalency certification, if you earned your degree in another country.
    • (English version of the support and supervision agreement)Informal declaration specifying whether the applicant has filed applications at other universities of institutions of higher education.
    • Higher education entrance qualification
    • Aptitude assessment (2 expert reports); e.g., if the degree is in a different field than the doctoral subject, or if the 2009 Examination Regulation (PO 2009), as amended on October 29, 2014, effective on July 4, 2015 § 5 (2) c) is applicable.
    • Finally, you must register in our administration system MARVIN and submit an application for acceptance as a doctoral candidate. On the MARVIN page you will find the function to switch to English at the bottom right. At the top left under the logo you will find the tab doctoral candidates. Here you will find all information on Self-registration as a doctoral candidate in MARVIN.

For further information on being accepted as a doctoral candidate, please go to Information on the process for being admitted as a doctoral candidate (Hinweisen für das Verfahren der Annahme als DoktorandIn) as well as the tab 'Frequently Asked Questions'.

The documents for acceptance as a doctoral candidate must be submitted to the Dean’s Office Dekanat des Fachbereichs 03 at the latest 1 week prior to the relevant session of the Research and Doctoral Committee (Sitzung des Forschungs- und Promotionsausschusses) at the Dean’s Office. Please contact Dr. Ina Drescher-Bonny oder Ms Rabea Bender.

Please send any questions by e-mail to The Research and Doctoral Committee decides on the acceptance of the doctoral candidate or the admission to the doctoral examination process, respectively.