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Student bodies and initiatives

Student Body B.A. Comparative Studies in Culture and Religions

Student Body B.A. Comparative Studies in Culture and Religions
Deutschhausstr. 3
Room A 211 (2. Floor, Fachschaftsraum)
We are your student representatives and point of contact for your questions, wishes and ideas relating to our studies. Please contact us via mail or Instagram, we are looking forward to your messages :)
You can also contact us with any queries you may have at the beginning of your studies or with any questions regarding the orientation week.
Student Body M.A. Empirische Kulturwissenschaft / Critical Studies in Culture and History

Dear Students,
we would like to introduce ourselves, we are the student body Kulturwissenschaft Fachschaft (KuWiFa) of the Master’s Program Critical Studies in Culture and History “Empirische Kulturwissenschaft”.
We represent your interests in the student council, organize events like our annual summer and winter parties and offer an orientation meeting every term for new students.
We are open for your ideas, questions, and critique!
If you have questions regarding your studies or university in general, would like to participate in the student committee or would like to attend our events, you can contact us here: E-Mail:
Information on events and meetings can be found on our Facebook page:

or join our KuWIFa telegram group!
We look forward to meeting you,
Lena, Lucie, Ronja und Hannah