Main Content

Research focus

In terms of content, the chair’s focus is on theory-guided empirical social research with an international and intercultural comparative orientation. We work on different topics, but with an emphasis on empirical migration research. A special area of interest in this respect is the integration of migrants and minorities in European societies, but also associated questions such as increases in mobility, changes in values and diversity. As a consequence, we are particularly interested in the empirical challenges associated with comparative research in general and migration research in particular, e.g., measuring cultural differences, the selectivity of migration and return migration and developments in data collection methods that are particularly suitable for mobile, difficult-to-reach populations. Further details on specific research focus areas can be found on the pages of our staff.

Our team is furthermore responsible for devising methodologies at the Institute for Sociology. The systematic application of social-science methods separates the scientific access to the social world from the general observations of everyday living. This is the reason why methodological questions are of critical importance during the course of study and during practical research. The close link between theory and practice is another natural central focus of the field of study.