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Curriculum Vitae

Education and academic career

Since 2016 Professor for Political Sociology at Philipps University Marburg.

Feb 2021 Call as W3 Professor "Sociological Theory and History of Theory", Goethe University Frankfurt, acceptance of the offer to stay at UMR
Oct 2020 Appointment as W3 Professor ("Political Sociology"), Philipps University Marburg
Mar 2020 Call as W3 Professor "Sociology with a focus on social analysis and social change", Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, acceptance of the offer to stay at UMR
April 2018 Successful completion of the habilitation procedure at the University of Hamburg, authorisation to teach in the subject of sociology. Title of habilitation thesis: Ansteckung - Zirkulation - Konnektivität: Zur politischen Soziologie des Globalen
Nov 2015 Acceptance of the call to the professorship "Political Sociology" (W2), Philipps University Marburg, appointment as of 1 January 2016
June 2015 Call as Assistant Professor/Senior Lecturer for Security Studies, University of Groningen, not accepted
2010-2015 Research assistant at the Chair of General Sociology and Sociological Theory, University of Hamburg
2010 PhD in Sociology at the University of Basel ("summa cum laude")
2005-2010 Research assistant in general sociology and cultural sociology at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Basel
2005 Scholarship of the Evangelisches Studienwerk "Villigst"
2004 Scholarship of the State Foundation of the Hansestadt Hamburg
2003 Master's degree in Political Science, Sociology and Modern German Literature, University of Hamburg

International Short-Term Research Stays

July 2014 Visiting Researcher at the International Law and Theory Center at the University of Westminster
2013-2014 Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies of DFG „Medienkulturen der Computersimulation“ (MECS) at the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, project on modelling global contagion processes
July 2013 Visiting Researcher at the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Edinburgh
Oct 2009 Visiting Researcher at the Goldsmiths College (University of London)
Dec 2006 Research stay at the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen, attending the postgraduate course Security Theory - Critical Innovations with Ole Wæver
July 2005 Research stay at the University of Essex, Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis