Main Content


Below you will find a selection of recent publications of members of the institute:

Bonacker, T.: "Security Practices and the Production of Center-Periphery-Figurations in Statebuilding", in: Alternatives (2019), online first:

Neal, A.; Opitz, S.; Zebrowski, C.: "Capturing Protest in Urban Environments: The 'Police Kettle' as a Territorial Strategy", in: Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (2019), online first:

Röder, A.; Ward, M.; Freese, C.: "From Labour Migrant to Stay-at-Home Mother? Childcare and Return to Work Among Migrant Mothers from the EU Accession Countries in Ireland", in: Work, Employment & Society 32.5. (2018): 850-867.

Schröder, M.: "How Working Hours Influence the Life Satisfaction of Childless Men and Women, Fathers and Mothers in Germany", in: Zeitschrift für Soziologie 47.1 (2018): 65-82.

Amstutz, N.; Eberherr, H.; Funder, M.; Hofmann, R. (Hg.): Geschlecht als widersprüchliche Institution. Neo-institutionalistische Implikationen zum Gender Cage in Organisationen. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag 2018.