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Master in Sociology - Societies and Social Orders in Transition

Welcome to the pages of the MA degree program in Sociology. Societies and Social Orders in Transition!

The program webpage for the master degree program in Sociology Societies and Social Orders in Transition offers a compact and quick overview of the master degree program in Sociology at the Philipps University of Marburg. You will find all required information regarding the academic profile, study requirements and prerequisites for admission, and good reasons why it makes sense to stay in Marburg or come to Marburg to complete your MA.

Content of the Academic Program

The MA degree program in Sociology in Marburg: Societies and Social Orders in Transition focuses on how social order is established but also on how it breaks down. The problem of the principle of order and disorder opens a perspective on the principles, mechanisms and foundation elements of socialization, meaning the question of how unconnected individuals form a “society”. The academic program is subdivided into five fields that include required basic, advanced and in-depth modules (project work) in the elective field, profile modules with integrated practice and career orientation, as well as a final module that includes the master’s thesis.

Special Aspects of the Degree Program

Instead of strictly separating between the two corner stones of sociological inquiry (methods and theories), as is usual in many degree programs in sociology, the curriculum of the degree program in Marburg is a testimonial to the university’s commitment to overcoming this division. The Department of Sociology in Marburg offers a broad spectrum of methodological, theoretical and empirical access points that allow analysis and explanation of differentiated and superimposed forms of social order and disorder. With your MA degree program in Sociology: Societies and Social Orders in Transition, it is our objective to turn you into an independent and creative person with comprehensive theoretical and methodological skills at your disposal. The MA in Sociology and Social Research gives students ample opportunity to help design their degree programs. You have the opportunity to independently define your focus areas. Moreover, you have the freedom to reflect on your newly acquired knowledge and articulate what you are interested in learning about in one of the crucial disciplines under the umbrella of the social sciences.