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Our current PhD Students
Third Cohort (2023-2026)
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Semih Aktepe
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Daniel Heck
Contact InformationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Pauline Bauermann
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Winfried Rief
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Violetta Biermann
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sarah Teige-Mocigemba
Contact InformationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Marián Boor
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erik Müller
Contact InformationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Lisa Hartke
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christopher Cohrs
Contact InformationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Amin Jahani
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Metin Üngör
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Sophie Kievernagel
Supervisor: Dr. Pia von Blanckenburg
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Saskia Leißner
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christiane Melzig
Contact InformationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Lara Orphal
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Pinquart
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Emily Raasch
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hanna Christiansen
Contact InformationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Fabian Parth
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Schütz
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Parnian Saberi
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Markus Wöhr
Contact InformationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Zeyd Söyük
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Anna Schubö
Contact InformationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Tahmineh Koosha
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dominik Endres
Second Cohort (2020-2023)
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Sahar Aghajari
Project: "Does the strength of expectancy violation influence whether expectations are maintained or changed?"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Metin ÜngörInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Ena Alcan
Project: "Acquisition, maintenance, and change of threat expectancy"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christiane Pané-Farré
Contact informationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Anika Brandt
Project: "Violations of negative expectations in individuals with high and low anxiety"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erik Müller
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Aylin Hanne
Project: "Expectation and selective attention"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Anna Schubö
Contact informationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dhanaraaj Raghuveer
Project: "Can Bayesian and Resource-Rational Learning Models Explain Individual Differences in the Processing and Prediction of Aversive Stimuli?"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dominik Endres
Contact informationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Kiara Roth
Project: "Social-cognitive processes underlying stereotypical expectations and expectation change"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sarah Teige-Mocigemba
Contact informationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Oliver Schmidt
Project: "Cognitive and Statistical Modeling of Subjective Expectations"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Daniel Heck
Contact informationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Nino Sharvashidze
Project: "Violation of sensorimotor expectations about action consequences"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alexander Schütz
Contact informationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Anna Szép
Project: "ADHD in the classroom"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hanna Christiansen
Former PhD Students
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Li-Ching Chuang
Project: "The Role of Dopamine, Reward Learning and Prefrontal Activity in Expectation-induced Mood Enhancement" (TRR 289)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erik Müller
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Nick Augustat
Project: "The Role of Dopamine, Reward Learning and Prefrontal Activity in Expectation-induced Mood Enhancement" (TRR 289)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erik Müller
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Robin O´Neill
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hanna Christiansen
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Larissa Knöchelmann
Project: "Allowing expectation violations: Moderators of dealing constructively with disagreements"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christopher Cohrs
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Ruslan Spartakov
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dominik Endres
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Mathangi Ganesan
Project: "Expectation maintenance vs. change in animal models: serotonin – orchestrating associative learning and neuronal plasticity processes"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Markus Wöhr
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Yannik Bendel
Project: "Expectations and expectation violation in the communication about death and dying"
Supervisor: Dr. Pia von Blanckenburg
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Philipp Berg
Project: "Expectation and selective attention"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Anna Schubö
Contact informationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Nils Bergmann
Thesis Title: "How the visual environment shapes attention: The role of context in attention guidance"
Project: "Expectation and selective attention"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Anna SchuböInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Annuska Berz
Project: "Investigation of expectation violation in laboratory rats: incentive salience, signal detection and the role of ultrasound vocalizations"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rainer Schwarting
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Marcel Binz
Thesis Title: "Principles of Human Learning"
Project: "Do Bayesian and associative models of learning explain individual differences in retrospective revaluation?"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dominik EndresInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Florence Bockting
Project: "Cognitive and Statistical Modeling of Subjective Expectations"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Daniel Heck
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Katharina Borgolte
Project: "Changes in expectancies regarding health behaviours among adolescents"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Pinquart
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Kristina Braun- Koch
Project: "Maintaining (versus modifying) critical attitudes towards psychotherapy"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Winfried Rief
Contact informationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Merle Buchholz
Thesis Title: "Cause and Effect in Victim Sensitivity: Analyses of Associated Social-Cognitive Processes"
Project: "Social-cognitive processes underlying the persistence of (un)trustworthiness expectations"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mario GollwitzerInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Midhula Chandran
Project: "Do Bayesian and associative models of learning explain individual differences in retrospective revaluation?"
Supervisor: Dr. Anna Thorwart
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Martina Dort
Thesis Title: "ADHS im Klassenzimmer: Die Einstellung von Lehrkräften zu Schülerinnen und Schülern mit einer Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung sowie zu entsprechenden Classroom-Management-Strategien"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hanna ChristiansenInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Markus Ebeling
Thesis Title: "Parental Expectations : Intercultural Perspectives and Parents of Children with a Mental Disorder" (2020)
Project: "Age differences and age-related changes in the persistence of expectations"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin PinquartInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Chrys Gesualdo
Thesis Titel: Health Behaviors Among Adolescents and Emerging Adults – Expectations and Expectation Violations
Project: "Influences on the use of assimilation, accommodation, and immunization after expectation violation"Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Pinquart
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Larissa Henß
Thesis Title:"Dispositional and Situational Predictors of Coping with Expectation Violations: Experimental Studies on the ViolEx model"
Project: "Influences on the use of assimilation, accommodation, and immunization after expectation violation"Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Pinquart
Contact information
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Zahra Khosrowtaj
Project: "Stereotypes against Muslims in the face of expectation violations – attitude change or persistence?"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sarah Teige-Mocigemba
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen GeunHyun Kim
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Karoline Körfer
Thesis Title: "Die Entstehung, Aufrechterhaltung und Therapie chronischer Schmerzen im Kontext von Erwartungsverletzungen" (2020)
Project: "When and why does exposure therapy fail in patients with chronic back pain?"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Julia GlombiewskiInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Lea Nahon
Project: "Stereotypes against Muslims in the face of expectation violations – attitude change or persistence?"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sarah Teige-Mocigemba
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Hauke Niehaus
Thesis Titel: Advancing Research on the Autism Spectrum Disorder using theory and data-driven Methods of Computational Psychiatry
Project: "Can Bayesian and Resource-Rational Learning Models Explain Individual Differences in the Processing and Prediction of Aversive Stimuli?"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dominik EndresInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Inga Pauls
Project: "Intervention strategies against the immunization of intergroup expectations"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wagner
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Martin Pietzsch
Project: "Age differences and age-related changes in the persistence of expectations"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Pinquart
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Tobias Redecker
Project: "Expectation maintenance vs. change in animal models: Serotonin-orchestrating, associative learning and neuronal plasticity processes"
Supervisor: Dr. Markus Wöhr
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. David Torrents Rodas
ORCID profile
Thesis title: Prediction error and overt attention to relevant and irrelevant cues: Evidence for an interaction of two associability mechanisms"
Project: "Prediction error and overt attention to relevant and irrelevant cues"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Harald Lachnit
Contact informationInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Adrian Rothers
Working title of thesis: "What makes people feel respected? Relationship-specific respect expectations in political discussions and beyond"
Project: "Intervention strategies against the immunization of intergroup expectations"Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christopher Cohrs
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Lena Sarter
Project: "Maintaining (versus modifying) critical attitudes towards psychotherapy"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Winfried RiefInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Nivethini Sangarapillai
Project: "Investigation of expectation violation in laboratory rats: incentive salience, signal detection and the role of ultrasound vocalizations"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Rainer Schwarting
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Anna Seewald
Thesis Title: "Outcome Expectations in Psychotherapy: The Development of an Indirect Measurement and the Importance of the Therapist´s Warmth and Competence"
Project: "Modulating treatment expectations to improve outcome in psychotherapy"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Winfried Rief
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Matthias Sperl
Project: "Individual differences in stability and change of expectations - What is the role played by personality traits and serotonin?"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erik Müller
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Christopher Stolz
Project: "Individual differences in stability and change of expectations - What is the role played by personality traits and serotonin?"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erik Müller
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Anna Enrica Strelow
Project: "ADHD in the classroom"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hanna ChristiansenInhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Sarah- Louise Unterschemmann
Project: "Individual differences in stability and change of expectations - What is the role played by personality traits and serotonin?"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erik Müller
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Dr. Maria Willadsen
Project: "Expectation maintenance vs. change in animal models: Serotonin-orchestrating, associative learning and neuronal plasticity processes"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Markus Wöhr