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RTG Retreats (every 1-2 years)

During the 5-day retreats, the participating PhD students present their current research via short presentations or poster sessions. Adjacent confirmation sessions provide the oportunity to receive professional feedback and discuss new ideas with other members of the RTG. Writing workshops as well as various symposia complement the scientific program.
The retreats also include plenty of leisure time, which the PhD Students can use for hiking trips and various social events, like bonfires and games.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Retreat 2019
In August 2019, the PhD Students spend five exciting days at the Philipp University’s study center in Hirschegg (Kleinwalsertal in Austria). During this retreat, the students presented their research, received valuable feedback and discussed their ideas and projects. The students also had plenty of time to discover the beautiful surrounding mountains.
Please enjoy the pictures in the gallery above (click on the picture to view the whole gallery).
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Retreat 2023
In September 2023 the RTG had the chance to spend five days in the Lothar-Mai-Hause in Hofbieber and experience the beautiful Rhön Mountains in central Germany.
Inhalt ausklappen Inhalt einklappen Retreat 2024
Fabian Parth Fabian Parth Fabian Parth Lisa Ziller Lisa Ziller Fabian Parth Fabian Parth Dr. Pia von Blanckenburg Lisa Ziller Fabian Parth Fabian Parth In September 2024, the PhD Students spend five days at the Lothar-Mai-Haus in Hofbieber. During this time the Students presented their current reasurch, participate in various Workshops and a Journal Club, but also had the opportunity for some leisure time, hiking and a bonfire.
For some more insides, feel free to check out the pictures.