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Project 11: Social-cognitive processes underlying stereotypical expectations and expectation change
Prof. Dr. Sarah Teige-Mocigemba (Psychological Diagnostics)
PhD Student: Kiara Roth
This project investigates whether stereotypical attitudes – for instance, regarding political groups such as left-wing groups or fraternities – can be changed using expectation violations. The project focusses on the social-cognitive processes underlying the development, persistence, and change of expectations with particular attention to the role of (social) context effects. To examine these mechanisms, the project addresses the following exemplary research questions: How do individuals integrate contextual information (e.g., other people being present) into the mental representations of information that confirms vs. violates stereotypes? Are there any motivational effects of group identification on contextualized information processing?
Pinquart, M., Endres, D., Teige-Mocigemba, S., Panitz, C., & Schütz, A. C. (2021). Why expectations do or do not change after expectation violation: A comparison of seven models. Consciousness and Cognition, 89, 103086.
More information on Prof. Dr. Sarah Teige-Mocigemba
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