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Project 6: Violations of negative expectations in individuals with high and low anxiety

Prof. Dr. Erik Mueller (Differential Psychology and Personality Research)

PhD Students: Anika Brandt, Li-Ching Chuang, Nick Augustat

This project aims at investigating to which degree neurobiological research on negative-affect related personality traits (e.g. neuroticism, dispositional anxiety, …) is derived from theoretical models. By showing that most neurobiological studies on these traits do not or only vaguely relate to theories (most of which are > 20 years old) this project sets the stage for developing and testing a new, expectation-based neurobiological model of neuroticism as part of the third cohort.


Brandt, A., & Mueller, E. M. (2022). Negative affect related traits and the chasm between self-report and neuroscience. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 43, 216-223.

More information on Prof Dr. Erik Mueller

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