10.12.2019 Call for Papers: 33rd conference of the German Peace Psychology Association in Marburg, June 12-13, 2020 - CANCELED

We have a dream – Positive peace as a way into a peaceful and just society

Keynote Speakers: 

  • Dr. Nina Hansen, University of Groningen: Wie sozialpsychologische Erkenntnisse und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung Frieden fördern können. Einblicke am Beispiel Sri Lanka. (public talk, will be held in German language)
  • Prof. Dr. Colin Wayne Leach, Barnard College, Columbia University: "No Justice, No Peace"? The polarizing psychology of police and protest.

Much of psychological research and practice focuses on the elimination of problems, such as the treatment of disorders and diseases. Psychological conflict research, like other social sciences, aims primarily to resolve violent conflicts and mitigate discrimination. However, peace means more than the absence of war and other forms of direct violence.

During the 33rd conference of the German Peace Psychology Association, we will explore the concept of positive peace and raise the questions: What does positive peace look like? What and how can psychologists contribute to positive peace? Fostering communication and cooperation between conflicting parties, the promotion of social justice and civic engagement for the transformation of structural and cultural causes of conflict are issues of particular relevance for the achievement of positive peace.

We welcome contributions from different angles of psychological research, such as those on interpersonal relations, relations between groups, organizations, political parties and states. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

As is usual at conferences of the German Peace Psychology Association, we also warmly welcome peace- and conflict related contributions beyond the conference theme of positive peace.

Presentations can be in German or English and are limited to 25 minutes including discussion. Single contributions can be presented in talk or poster format. We also welcome the organization of thematically structured symposia consisting of 3-4 presentations.

Applications for single presentations and posters are expected to be submitted including title, author, email address as well as a summary (max. 250 words).

Symposium submissions should include title, organizer with email address and a symposium summary (max. 250 words) and title, author, email address and a summary for each presentation (max. 250 words).

Deadline for submissions of abstracts is March 15, 2020

Please use this form to submit a poster, an oral presentation or a symposium. You can also use the same form to register for the conference. Please note: If you submit a contribution, the registration fee will not be due until after you received feedback from us.

The “Forum Friedenspsychologie (FFP) e.V. (German Peace Psychology Association)“ is a network of psychologists, students and interested people with related backgrounds aiming at researching and communicating psychological knowledge on the non-violent handling of conflicts, prevention of war and promotion of peace and social justice. We are recognized as charitable, are independent of political parties and currently have around 100 members.

We are engaged in peace psychological activities, especially research, education and training, in various areas of professional practice and public opinion.

