Alexia Dalski
Research Fellow
Contact information
alexia.dalski@ 1 Schulstraße 1235032 Marburg
G|04 Institutsgebäude (Room: +3/0070)
Organizational unit
Philipps-Universität Marburg Psychologie (Fb04) AG Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie Educational NeurosciencePublications
To the publications in the research information systemI am a Ph.D. candidate since September 2021, supervised by Dr. Grotheer, at the AE Educational Neuroscience. Before that, I have conducted my M.Sc. in Psychology at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. During that time I also worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Biological Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience (BPCN). There I mainly investigated the neuronal background of face perception, especially face familiarity (“Evidence for a General Neural Signature of Face Familiarity”).
For my master thesis, I investigated language and semantics. I conducted an EEG experiment and used MVPA to investigate shared neural patterns of semantics and language.
As a Ph.D. candidate, I now study the neuronal foundations of reading. Most of us take our ability to read for granted – but we do not really know yet how our brain turns a bunch of lines and dots into a meaningful word, text, or even story. With the help of fMRI, I want to understand the functional background of this process and particularly the role of the Visual Word Form Area.
In general, I try to work closely on the interface of psychology, biology, and data science. Therefore I am not only interested in neuroimaging, but also in using various machine learning-based methods in Python and Matlab.
Twitter: @AlexiaDalski
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