Dr. Emily Kleszewski
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Contact information
+49 6421 28-23829 emily.kleszewski@staff 1 Gutenbergstraße 1835032 Marburg
G|01 Institutsgebäude (Room: 03043 resp. +3043)
Organizational unit
Philipps-Universität Marburg Psychologie (Fb04) AG Sozialpsychologie, Wirtschaft, Methoden Arbeits- und OrganisationspsychologiePublications
To the publications in the research information systemShort biography:
- From 2018: research assistant at the Department of Work and Organizational Psychology at Philipps University Marburg. From 2018 to 2022 PhD on “Boon and Bane: How Perfectionism Shapes Employee Well-Being Through Health-Impairing and Motivational Processes”.
- From 2013 to 2017: Bachelor Thesis at Philipps University Marburg. Until 2018 Master’s degree at Philipps University Marburg focusing on work and organizational psychology as well as clinical psychology
Research interests:
- Perfectionism
- Stress and resources in the workplace
- Recovery
- Interventions for employees
Publications and presentations:
- Kleszewski, E., & Otto K. (2022, September). Trigger or booster? The role of perfectionism in the stressor-detachment model. Presentation at the 52nd Congress of the German Psychological Society, Hildesheim, Germany.
- Kleszewski, E., Matick E. & Otto K. (2022, July). Effects of an app-based mindfulness training on employees’ perfectionism, stress and recovery: A randomised wait-list control trial. Poster presentation at the 15th European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Bordeaux, France.
- Kleszewski, E. (2021). How to work for a perfectionistic boss. Harvard Business Review: Ascend. Retrieved from: https://hbr.org/2021/12/how-to-work-for-a-perfectionistic-boss
- Otto K., Geibel H.V. & Kleszewski E. (2021) “Perfect leader, perfect leadership?” Linking leaders’ perfectionism to monitoring, transformational, and servant leadership behavior. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:657394. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.657394.
- Kleszewski, E. & Otto, K. (2020). The perfect colleague? Multidimensional perfectionism and indicators of social disconnection in the workplace. Personality and Individual Differences, 162. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2020.110016.
- Kleszewski, E. & Otto, K. (2019, September). When leaders expect perfection: Linking other-oriented perfectionism, the Dark Triad and servant leadership. Poster presentation at the 12th Conference of the Division of Work, Organisational and Economic Psychology of the German Psychological Society, Braunschweig, Germany.
- B-AOW3-Übung A: Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung - Gesund am Arbeitsplatz (seit Sose 2020)
- B-AOW2b-Seminar A: Personalentwicklung & Intervention (seit Wise 2019/20)
- B-WP2-Übung B: Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung - Gesund am Arbeitsplatz (Sose 2019)
- B-WP3b-Seminar A: Personalentwicklung & Intervention (Wise 2018/19)
Office hours:
Tuesdays, 15-16 hrs (upon agreement)
In case of inaccurate personal data, please inform the appropriate Personnel Data Agent.
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1 The email addresses are only selectable in the intranet. To complete an email address, merge following string ".uni-marburg.de" or "uni-marburg.de" to the end of the email address.