Prof. Dr. Kathleen Otto
Head, Professor
Contact information
+49 6421 28-23781 kathleen.otto@staff 1 Gutenbergstraße 1835032 Marburg
G|01 Institutsgebäude (Room: 03045 resp. +3045)
Organizational unit
Philipps-Universität Marburg Psychologie (Fb04) AG Sozialpsychologie, Wirtschaft, Methoden Arbeits- und OrganisationspsychologiePublications
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Short biography:
- Full professor and head of the Work and Organizational Psychology unit at Philipps-Universität Marburg
- Practical experience as mediator, consultant and coach
Recent research interests:
- Dealing with organisational change and restructuring
- Career development, mobility and entrepreneurship
- Unemployment and job insecurity
- Organizational justice
- Leadership
- Work and health
Recent third-party funded projects:
- Parental work conditions as risk factor: Spillover-crossover from parents to children (COMPARE work)
- Identity processes and migration
Recent publications (selection):
Baluku, M. M., Bantu, E., Namale, B., & Otto, K. (2022). Maintaining high psychological wellbeing despite ambiguity intolerance among three employment status groups: Examining the buffering effects of locus of control and psychological capital. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 7, 1-30.
Cheng, Y., Nudelman, G., Otto, K., & Ma, J. (in press). Conceptualization, measurement and validation of an effort and valence based just world belief. European Journal of Personality Assessment.
Geibel, H. V., Rigotti, T., & Otto, K. (2022). It all comes back to health: A three-wave cross-lagged study of leaders' well-being, team performance, and transformational leadership. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1– 15.
Krug, H., Haslam, S. A., Otto, K., Safi, G., & Steffens, N. K. (2021). Doing it for the team: Soccer coaches’ identity leadership predicts players’ effort, turnover intentions, and performance. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 55.
Matick, E., Kottwitz, M. U., Rigotti, T., & Otto, K. (in press). I can't get no sleep: The role of leaders' health and leadership behavior. European Journal of Work & Organizational Psychology.
Nudelman, G., Kamble, S., & Otto, K. (2022). Using Protection Motivation Theory to Predict Adherence to COVID-19 Behavioral Guidelines. Preventive Medicine.
Otto, K., Geibel, H. V., & Kleszewski, E. (2021). “Perfect leader, perfect leadership?”: Linking perfectionism to monitoring, transformational and servant leadership. Frontiers in Psychology. 12, 657394.
All publications of Kathleen Otto can be found on ResearchGate!
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