Dr. Lukas Basedow
Research Fellow, IPAM-Therapeut
Contact information
+49 6421 28-23754 lukas.basedow@ 1 Gutenbergstraße 1835032 Marburg
G|01 Institutsgebäude (Room: 03037 resp. +3037)
Organizational unit
Philipps-Universität Marburg Psychologie (Fb04) AG Klinische Psychologie Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie I (AE Rief)Publications
To the publications in the research information systemResearch Interests
- Psychological Determinants of Placebo and Nocebo Effects
- Measurement of Treatment Expectations
- Drug Use Disorders and Behavioral Addictions
- Short-Term and Long-Term Consequences of Psychoactive Substance Use
- Novel Psychopharmacological Support for Psychotherapy (e.g., the use of LSD, MDMA, or Psilocybin)
Curriculum Vitae
Since 10/2022
Graduate training in Psychological Psychotherapy (Behavior Therapy), Institute for Psychotherapy Training Marburg (IPAM)
08/2018 – 08/2022
Doctorate in Psychology (Dr.rer.nat.), Faculty of Psychology, TU Dresden
Doctoral Thesis: "Double Threat - Trauma and PTSD in Adolescents with Substance Use Disorders," Advisors: Prof. Dr. Yulia Golub; Prof. Dr. Stefan Ehrlich
08/2016 – 08/2018
Master's degree in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience, specializing in Neuropsychology, University of Maastricht, Netherlands (M.Sc.)Thesis: “Psychedelic Microdosing – Perceived Efficacy in treating Psychiatric Symptoms”
08/2013 – 08/2016
Bachelor in Psychology (B.Sc.), University Groningen, NLProfessional Experience
Since 10/2022
Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapy Outpatient Clinic Marburg (PAM)
Since 07/2022Research Associate (Postdoc), Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Faculty of Psychology, Philipps University Marburg
08/2018 – 06/2022
Research Associate (Doctoral Candidate)/Psychologist, Addiction Outpatient Clinic, Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital C.G.C. DresdenTeaching
Interventions in Addiction Treatment (Seminar, B.Sc.)
Diverse Case Concepts in Psychotherapy (Seminar, M.Sc.)
Counseling, Mediation, Prevention (Seminar, B.Sc.)
Translational Aspects of Psychotherapy (Seminar, M.Sc.)
Long-Term Effects of Serotonergic Hallucinogens (Invited Lecture)
Psychedelic Substances in the Treatment of Depression (Invited Lecture)
Group Treatment for Adolescents with Addiction Disorders – The DELTA Manual (Graduate Training)
Harm Reduction, Drug Use and Drug Emergencies (Graduate Training)
Why do adolescents take drugs? (Graduate Training)
Microdosing (Contribution to the “Psychoaktiv” Podcast)
Mini Grant SFB 289 – Funding for the "PIPE – Psychedelic Placebo Effects" Project
Wolfram-Keup Award 2022
Heidehof Foundation – Funding for the DELTA-Train Project 2021
DAAD – Travel Award 2021
Emerging Researcher Award - North German Addiction Research Consortium e.V. 2021
Poster Award - International Conference on Psychedelic Research 2020
Poster Award - German Addiction Conference 2019
Collaborations / Memberships
German Psychological Society (DGPs)
German Society for Addiction Research and Addiction Therapy (DG Sucht)
German Society for Psychedelic Research and Therapy (DGPFT)
Federal Association for Accepting Drug Work and Humane Drug Policy (Akzept e.V.)
Journal Articles
Golub, Y., Basedow, L. A., Meiron Zwipp, J., Kuitunen-Paul, S., & Roessner, V. (2021). DELTA - Dresdner Multimodale Therapie für Jugendliche mit chronischem Suchtmittelkonsum (1st ed.). Hogrefe AG.
Conference Contributions
Binder, A., Zimmermann, S., Basedow, L.A. (2023) Symposium der DG-Sucht Nachwuchsgruppe, Deutscher Suchtkongress
Basedow, L. A., Wiedmann, M. F., Kuitunen-Paul, S., Roessner, V., & Golub, Y. (2023). Psychotische Symptome und PTBS in Jugendlichen mit Suchterkrankungen. Deutscher Suchtkongress, 1(1).
Basedow, L. A.; Bingel, U.; Büchel, C.; Brassen, S.; Mueller, E.M.; Benson, S.; Schedlowski, M.; Rief, W. (12.05.2023) Stress Influences Pre-treatment Expectations across Different Studies. 4th International Conference of the Society for Interdisciplinary Placebo Studies
Basedow, L.A., Weidmann, M.F., Roessner, V., Golub, Y., Kuitunen-Paul, S. (08.09.2022) Selbstmedikation und Coping bei Jugendlichen mit PTBS und Substanzabhängigkeit, Deutscher Suchtkongress 2022
Binder, A., Zimmermann, S., Basedow, L.A. (08.09.2022) Symposium der DG-Sucht Nachwuchsgruppe, Deutscher Suchtkongress 2022
Basedow, L. A., Kuitunen-Paul, S., Golub, Y. (18.05-21.05.22) Subjektives Stresserleben bei Eltern, deren Jugendliche eine KJP-Spezialambulanz für Suchterkrankungen aufsuchen. DGKJP Kongress 2022
Basedow, L. A., Wiedmann, M.F., Roessner, V., Golub, Y., & Kuitunen-Paul, S., (04.11 – 05.11.2021). Coping motives mediate the relationship between PTSD and MDMA use in adolescents with substance use disorders. Society for the Study of Addiction – Annual Conference 2021, virtuell
Basedow, L. A., Kuitunen-Paul, S., Wiedmann, M.F., Roessner, V., & Golub, Y. (14.09.2021) Symptome einer posttraumatische Belastungsstörung (PTBS) und der Konsum bestimmter Substanzen bei jugendlichen SUD-Patient*innen. Deutscher Suchtkongress, virtuell
Basedow, L. A. & Kuitunen-Paul, S. (09.09 – 12.09.2021). Motives for the Use of Serotonergic Psychedelics – A Systematic Review. Insight Conference 2021, Berlin
Basedow, L. A., Kuitunen-Paul, S., Roessner, V., & Golub, Y. (05.06.2021) Traumatic Events and Substance Use Disorders in Adolescent. NSF e.V. Symposium, virtuell
Basedow, L. A., (21.04.2021). PTSD and Traumatic Events in Adolescents with a Substance Use Disorder. Substance Use and Associated Behaviours (SUAB) PhD Symposium, virtuell
Basedow, L. A., Kuitunen-Paul, S., Wiedmann, M., Ehrlich, S., Roessner, V., & Golub, Y. (03.03 – 05.03.2021). Verbal learning impairment in adolescents with methamphetamine use disorder: a cross-sectional study. European College of Neuropharmacology, Early Career Researcher Workshop 2021, virtuell
Basedow, L.A., Riemer, T.G., Reiche, S., Kreutz, R., Majić, T. (24.-26.09.2020). Neuropsychological Functioning after Chronic Use of Serotonergic Psychedelics – A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychedelic Research 2020, virtuell
Basedow, L. A., Kuitunen-Paul, S., Roessner, V., & Golub, Y. (16.09.2019). Trauma und PTBS in jugendlichen Patienten mit einer Substanzkonsumstörung. Deutscher Suchtkongress, Mainz.
Other Publications
Basedow, L.A. (2023) High on your own supply. Nat Rev Psychol 2, 588.
Basedow, L. A. (2022a, Februar 1). Psychedelic-Induced Creativity: Fact or Fiction? MIND Foundation.
Basedow, L. A. (2021c, Mai 28). MIND Blog | How Do Antidepressants Really Work? MIND Foundation.
Basedow, L. A. (2021b, Mai 3). Kiffen gegen Trauma? In-Mind.
Basedow, L. A. (2020d, November 22). Psychotherapie auf Ecstasy. In-Mind.
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