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Gaze lab

Our eye tracking laboratory is equipped with an SR Research EyeLink 1000 Plus desktop mount eye tracking system ( and a 32” Cambridge Research Systems Display++ LCD Monitor ( The laboratory has sound insulation, air conditioning, dimmable lighting and a separate control room from which the experimenter can monitor our eye-tracking experiments.
The EyeLink eye tracking system collects eye movement data at a sampling rate with up to 2000 Hz (monocular recording) using an infrared camera directed at the participant’s eye. The high accuracy of recording allows for precise detection of fixations, blinks, and saccades, which are the basis for analyzing various dependent variables in our experimental designs.

We analyze our recorded eye tracking data using SR Research Data Viewer ( This software is highly integrated with E-Prime, allowing us to combine the data collected by E-Prime with the eye movement data recorded by the eye-tracker. Preprocessed raw data can be imported into IBM SPSS making the exported eye movement data flexible for subsequent data processing. Alternatively, the experiment builder OpenSesame ( and a Python based toolchain can be used.