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Classes in Cognitive Neuroscience
EEG recordings provide a powerful tool in cognitive neuroscience. This is mainly due to two reasons: First, EEG provides a possibility to directly watch the brain at work. Second, ERP and other cognitive neuroscience experiments link cognition to the underlying neural processes and structures. In the Neurowissenschaftliche Psychologie (NP) lectures and practical courses students will learn about the neurophysiological bases that underlie the EEG signal and the technical principles of EEG recordings. Standard analysis techniques and the results they provide will be described, and some well-used ERP paradigms and their impact on cognitive neurosciences will be discussed.
Additionally, we will look at motion tracking in motor control experiments. There are several theories that claim a close connection between perceptual and motor processes. The lecture will give an overview on motion tracking and other methods to study human motor control and action planning. In the practical course, we will do motion tracking of arm and finger movements.