Dr. Sizhu Han

Sizhu Han

Research Fellow

Contact information

sizhu.han@ 1 Gutenbergstraße 18
35032 Marburg
G|01 Institutsgebäude

Postdoc in the SFB/TRR 135 ("Cardinal mechanisms of perception") project B3 ("Determining priority in visual selection")

Research Interests

Visual attention
Working memory
Cognitive control


Han, S., Zhu, R., & Ku, Y. (2021). Background white noise and speech facilitate visual working memory. European Journal of Neuroscience, https://doi.org/10.1111/ejn.15455

Han, S., & Ku, Y. (2021). Mnemonic attention in analogy to perceptual attention: harmony but not uniformity. Psychological Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-021-01556-9

Han, S., & Ku, Y. (2019). Reorienting spatial attention within visual working memory. bioRxiv. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/854703v1

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