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Recent Publications

Gilardi C, Martins H, Levone BR, Bianco AL, Bicker S, Germain P-L, Gross F, Sungur A, Kisko T, Stein F, Meinert S, Schwarting R, Wöhr M, Dannlowski U, Kircher T, Schratt G (in press). miR-708-5p is elevated in bipolar patients and can induce mood disorder-associated behavior in mice. EMBO Reports.

Königstein D, Fender H, Plačkić J, Kisko TM, Wöhr M & Kockskämper J (in press). Altered protein kinase A-dependent phosphorylation of Cav1.2 in left ventricular myocardium from Cacna1c haploinsufficient rat hearts. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Wang T, Homberg JR, Boreggio L, Samina MCF, Castro RCR, Kolk SM, Alenina N, Bader M, Dai J, Wöhr M (2024). Socio-affective communication in Tph2-deficient rat pups: Communal nesting aggravates growth retardation despite ameliorating maternal affiliation deficits. Molecular Autism, accepted

Aerts T, Boonen A, Geenen L, Stulens A, Masin L, Pancho A, Francis A, Pepermans E, Baggerman G, van Roy F, Wöhr M & Seuntjens E (2024). Altered socio-affective communication and amygdala development in mice with protocadherin10-deficient interneurons. Open Biology, accepted.

Tostes JG, Dal Fabbro M, Pedrosa D, Coimbra NC, Schwarting R, Melo-Thomas L (2024). Paradoxical kinesia induced by nightmare: unique case report and insights regarding the neural mechanism based on human and rat studies. Case Reports in Neurology, 16: 154-158. DOI: 10.1159/000539548.

Schwarting RKW, Wöhr M, Engler H, Sungur AÖ, Schedlowski M (2024). Behaviorally conditioned effects of psychoactive drugs in experimental animals: What we have learned from nearly a century of research and what remains to be learned. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 162, 105721,

Cordeiro N, Pochapski JA, Sanchez Luna W, Baltazar G, Schwarting RK, Andreatini R, Da Cunha C. (2024) Forty-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations of rat pups predict adult behavior in the elevated plus-maze behavior but not the effect of cocaine on 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations. Behavioural Brain Research, 458, 114759,

Saldanha TCS, Sanchez WN, Palombo P, Cruz FC, Galduroz JCF, Schwarting RKW, Andreatini R, da Cunha C & Pochapski JA. (2024) Biperiden blocks the increase in 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations but not hyperlocomotion induced by cocaine. Behavioural Brain Research, 461, 114841, 

  • 2023

    Bartsoen E & Wöhr M. (2023). Detailed spectrographic analysis of rat ultrasonic vocalizations emitted during the acoustic startle response test. Physiology & Behavior, 270, 114290.

    Bogdan R, Kayumova R, Schwarting RKW, Wöhr M & Kisko T (2023). Wildtype peers rescue social play and 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalization deficits in juvenile female Cacna1c heterozygous rats. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 17:1190272. 

    Fender H, Walter K, Kiper AK, Plačkić J, Kisko TM, Braun MD, Schwarting RKW, Rohrbach S, Wöhr M, Decher N & Kockskämper J (2023). Calcium handling remodeling underlies impaired sympathetic stress response in ventricular myocardium from Cacna1c haploinsufficient rats. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24, 9795.

    Melo-Thomas L & Schwarting RKW (2023). Paradoxical kinesia may no longer be a paradox waiting for 100 years to be unraveled. Reviews in the Neurosciences

    Packheiser J, Soyman E, Paradiso E, Michon F, Ramaaker E, Sahin N, Muralidharan S, Wöhr M, Gazzola V, Keysers C (2023). Audible pain squeaks can mediate emotional contagion across pre-exposed rats with a potential effect of auto-conditioning. Communications Biology 6, 1085.

    Premoli M, Pietropaolo S, Wöhr M, Simola N, & Bonini SA (2023). Mouse and rat ultrasonic vocalizations in neuroscience and neuropharmacology: State of the art and future applications. European Journal of Neuroscience, 1– 35.

    Schwarting RKW (2023). Behavioral analysis in laboratory rats: Challenges and usefulness of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 152:105260.

    Willadsen M, Schwarting RKW & Wöhr M (2023). Acute anxiogenic effects of escitalopram are associated with mild alterations in d-amphetamine-induced behavior and social approach evoked by playback of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations. Neuropharmacology 241, 109734.

    Winters C, Gorssen W, Wöhr M, D'Hooge R (2023). BAMBI: A new method for automated assessment of bidirectional early-life interaction between maternal behavior and pup vocalization in mouse dam-pup dyads. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 17:1139254.

  • 2022

    Araya EI, Baggioa DF, de Oliveira Korena L, Schwarting RKW & Chichorro JG (2022). Trigeminal neuropathic pain reduces 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats, which are restored by analgesic drugs. European Journal of Pharmacology 922:174905.

    Berz AC, Wöhr M & Schwarting RKW (2022). Response calls evoked by playback of natural 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 15:812142.

    Berz A, Pasquini C, Wöhr M, Steinmüller S, Bruntsch M, Schäfer M & Schwarting RKW (2022). Contingent social interaction does not prevent habituation towards playback of pro-social 50-kHz calls: Behavioral responses and brain activation patterns. Brain Sciences 12(11):1474.

    Bigelow LJ, Fiset C, Jarvis JH, Macleod S, Wöhr M, Benke TA, & Bernard PB. (2022). Early-life seizures modify behavioral response to ultrasonic vocalization playback in adult rats. Epilepsy & Behavior 127: 108494.

    Gehlen J, Giel AS, Köllges R, Haas SL, Zhang R, Trcka J, Sungur AÖ, ..., Wöhr M, Knapp M, Seitz G, de Klein A, Oracz G, Brosens E, Reutter H & Schumacher J (2022). First Genome-Wide Association Study of Esophageal Atresia with or without Tracheoesophageal Fistula (EA/TEF) Identifies Three Genetic Risk Loci at CTNNA3, FOXF1/FOXC2/FOXL1 and HNF1B. Human Genetics and Genomics Advances 3(2):100093.

    Martins HC, Gilardi C, Sungur AÖ, Winterer J, Pelzl MA, Bicker S, Gross F, Kisko TM, Malikowska-Racia N, Braun MD, Brosch K, Nenadic I, Stein F, Meinert S, Schwarting RKW, Dannlowski U, Kircher T, Wöhr M & Schratt G (2022). Bipolar-associated miR-499-5p controls neuroplasticity by downregulating the Cav1.2 subunit CACNB2. EMBO Reports 23(10):e54420.

    Melo-Thomas L, Tacken L, Richter N, Almeida D, Rapôso C, de Melo SR, Thomas U, de Paiva YB, Medeiros P, Coimbra NC & Schwarting R (2022). Lateralization in hemi-parkinsonian rats is affected by both deep brain stimulation or glutamatergic neurotransmission in the inferior colliculus. eNeuro 9(4):ENEURO.0076-22.2022.

    Petroni V, Subashi E, Premoli M, Wöhr M, Crusio WE, Lemaire V, & Pietropaolo S (2022). Autistic-like behavioral effects of prenatal stress in juvenile Fmr1 mice: the relevance of sex differences and gene–environment interactions. Scientific Reports 12(1):7269.

    Rief W, Sperl MFJ, Braun-Koch K, Khosrowtaj Z, Kirchner L, Schäfer L, Schwarting RKW, Teige-Mocigemba S & Panitz C (2022). Using expectation violation models to improve the outcome of psychological treatments. Clinical Psychology Review. 2022 Dec;98:102212. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2022.102212. Epub 2022 Oct 15. PMID: 36371900

    Sanchez WN, Pochapski JA, Jessen LF, Ellenberger M, Schwarting RKW, Robinson DL, Andreatini R & Da Cunha C. (2022) Diazepam attenuates the effects of cocaine on locomotion, 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations and phasic dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens of rats. British Journal of Pharmacology 179(8):1565-1577.

    Sangarapillai N, Wöhr M & Schwarting RKW (2022). Appetitive 50-kHz calls in a Pavlovian conditioned approach task in Cacna1c haploinsufficient rats. Physiology & Behavior 250:113795.

    Silverman JL, Thurm A, Ethridge SB, Soller MM, Petkova SP, Abel T, Bauman MD, Brodkin ES, Harony-Nicolas H, Wöhr M & Halladay A (2022). Reconsidering animal models used to study autism spectrum disorder: Current state and optimizing future. Genes, Brain and Behavior 21(5):e12803.

    Sungur AÖ, Zeitouny C, Gabele L, Metz I, Wöhr M, Michaelsen-Preusse K & Rust MB (2022). Transient reduction in dendritic spine density in brain-specific profilin1 mutant mice is associated with behavioral deficits. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 15:952782.

    Wöhr M, Fong WM, Janas JA, Mall M, Thome C, Vangipuram M, ... & Wernig M. (2022). Myt1l haploinsufficiency leads to obesity and multifaceted behavioral alterations in mice. Molecular Autism 13(1): 19.

    Wöhr M (2022). Measuring mania-like elevated mood through amphetamine-induced 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats. British Journal of Pharmacology 179(17):4201-4219.

  • 2021

    Berg EL, Jami SA, Petkova SP, Berz A, Fenton TA, Lerch JP, Segal DJ, Gray JA, Ellegood J, Wöhr M & Silverman JL (2021). Excessive laughter-like vocalizations, microcephaly, and translational outcomes in the Ube3a deletion rat model of Angelman Syndrome. Journal of Neuroscience. 41 (42) 8801-8814; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0925-21.2021

    Berz A, Pasquini de Souza C, Wöhr M & Schwarting RKW (2021). Limited generalizability, pharmacological modulation, and state-dependency of the habituation towards pro-social 50-kHz calls in rats. iScience. 24(5), 102426.

    Fyke W, Premoli M, Alzate VE, López-Moreno JA, Lemaire-Mayo V, Crusio WE, Marsicano G, Wöhr M & Pietropaolo S (2021). Communication and social interaction in the Cannabinoid-type 1 Receptor (CB1r) null mouse: Implications for autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research. Advance online publication.

    Homberg JR, Adan RAH, Alenina N, Asiminas A, Bader M, Beckers T, Begg DP, Blokland A, Burger ME, van Dijk G, Eisel ULM, Elgersma Y, Englitz B, Fernandez-Ruiz A, Fitzsimons CP, van Dam AM, Gass P, Grandjean J, Havekes R, Henckens MJAG, Herden C, Hut RA, Jarrett W, Jeffrey K, Jezova D, Kalsbeek A, Kamermans M, Kas MJ, Kasri NN, Kiliaan AJ, Kolk SM, Korosi A, Korte SM, Kozicz T, Kushner SA, Leech K, Lesch KP, Lesscher H, Lucassen PJ, Luthi A, Ma L, Mallien AS, Meerlo P, Mejias JF, Meye FJ, Mitchell AS, Mul JD, Olcese U, González AO, Olivier JDA, Pasqualetti M, Pennartz CMA, Popik P, Prickaerts J, de la Prida LM, Ribeiro S, Roozendaal B, Rossato JI, Salari AA, Schoemaker RG, Smit AB, Vanderschuren LJMJ, Takeuchi T, van der Veen R, Smidt MP, Vyazovskiy VV, Wiesmann M, Wierenga CJ, Williams B, Willuhn I, Wöhr M, Wolvekamp M, van der Zee EA, Genzel L. (2021). The continued need for animals to advance brain research. Neuron, 109(15), 2374–2379.

    Kanazawa LKS, Radulski DR, Pereira GS, Prickaerts J, Schwarting RKW, Acco A & Andreatini, R (2021). Andrographolide blocks 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations, hyperlocomotion and oxidative stress in an animal model of mania. Journal of Psychiatric Research 139:91-98. 

    Kisko TM, Schwarting RKW & Wöhr M (2021). Sex differences in the acoustic features of social play-induced 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations: A detailed spectrographic analysis in wild-type Sprague-Dawley and Cacna1c haploinsufficient rats. Developmental Psychobiology 63(2):262-276.

    Sangarapillai N, Ellenberger M, Wöhr M & Schwarting RKW (2021). Ultrasonic vocalizations and individual differences in rats performing a Pavlovian conditioned approach task. Behavioural Brain Research 398:112926.

    Willadsen M, Uengoer M, Sługocka A, Schwarting RKW, Homberg JR, Wöhr M (2021). Fear Extinction and Predictive Trait-Like Inter-Individual Differences in Rats Lacking the Serotonin Transporter. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(13):7088.

    Willadsen M, Uengoer M, Schwarting RKW, Homberg JR & Wöhr M (2021). Reduced emission of alarm 22-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations during fear conditioning in rats lacking the serotonin transporter. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 108:110072.

    Wöhr M, Kisko TM, Schwarting RKW (2021). Social behavior and ultrasonic vocalizations in a genetic rat model haploinsufficient for the cross-disorder risk gene Cacna1c. Brain Sciences 11(6):724.

  • 2020

    Araya EI, Baggio DF, de Oliveira Koren L, Andreatini R, Schwarting RKW, Zamponi GW & Chichorro JG (2020). Acute orofacial pain leads to long term changes in behavioral and affective pain components. Pain 161(12):2830-2840.

    Berg EL, Ching TM, Bruun DA, Rivera JK, Careaga M, Ellegood J, Lerch JP, Wöhr M, Lein PJ & Silverman JL (2020). Translational outcomes relevant to neurodevelopmental disorders following early life exposure of rats to chlorpyrifos. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders 12:40.

    Berg EL, Pride MC, Petkova SP, Lee RD, Copping NA, Shen Y, Adhikari A, Fenton TA, Pedersen LR, Noakes LS, Nieman BJ, Lerch JP, Harris S, Born HA, Peters MM, Deng P, Cameron DL, Fink KD, Beitnere U, O’Geen H, Anderson AE, Dindot SV, Nash KR, Weeber EJ, Wöhr M, Ellegood J, Segal DJ & Silverman JL (2020). Translational outcomes in a full gene deletion of ubiquitin protein ligase E3A rat model of Angelman syndrome. Translational Psychiatry 10:39.

    Ihme H, Schwarting RKW & Melo-Thomas L (2020). Low frequency deep brain stimulation in the inferior colliculus ameliorates haloperidol-induced catalepsy and reduces anxiety in rats. PLOS ONE 15(12):e0243438.

    Kisko TM, Braun MD, Michels S, Witt SH, Rietschel M, Culmsee C, Schwarting RKW & Wöhr M (2020). Sex-dependent effects of Cacna1c haploinsufficiency on juvenile social play behavior and pro-social 50-kHz ultrasonic communication in rats. Genes, Brain and Behavior 19(2):e12552.

    Krug A, Wöhr M, Seffer D, Rippberger H, Sungur AÖ, Dietsche B, Stein F, Sivalingam S, Forstner AJ, Witt SH, Dukal H, Streit F, Maaser A, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Andlauer TFM, Herms S, Hoffmann P, Rietschel M, Nöthen MM, Lackinger M, Schratt G, Koch M, Schwarting RKW, & Kircher T (2020). Advanced paternal age as a risk factor for neuropsychiatric disorders: A translational study. Molecular Autism 11(1):54. 

    Kube T, Schwarting R, Rosenkrantz L, Glombiewski JA & Rief W (2020). Distorted cognitive processes in major depression – A predictive processing perspective. Biological Psychiatry 87:388-398.

    Melo-Thomas L, Tonelli LC, Müller CP, Wöhr M & Schwarting RKW (2020). Playback of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations overcomes psychomotor deficits induced by sub-chronic haloperidol treatment in rats. Psychopharmacology 237:2043–2053.

    Redecker TM, Kisko TM, Wöhr M & Schwarting RKW (2020). Cacna1c haploinsufficiency lacks effects on adult hippocampal neurogenesis and volumetric properties of prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in female rats. Physiology & Behavior 223:112974.

    Uengoer M, Thorwart A, Lucke S, Wöhr M & Lachnit H (2020). Adding or removing context components equally disrupts extinction in human predictive learning. Behavioural Processes 179:104216.

    Wöhr M, Willadsen M, Kisko TM, Schwarting RKW, Fendt M (2020). Sex-dependent effects of Cacna1c haploinsufficiency on behavioral inhibition evoked by conspecific alarm signals in rats. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 99:109849.

  • 2019

    Braun MD, Kisko TM, Witt SH, Rietschel M, Schwarting RKW, Wöhr M (2019). Long-term environmental impact on object recognition, spatial memory, and reversal learning capabilities in Cacna1c haploinsufficient rats. Human Molecular Genetics 28(24):4113–4131.

    Houwing DJ, Staal L, Swart JM, Ramsteijn A, Wöhr M, De Boer S, Olivier JDA (2019). Subjecting dams to early life stress and perinatal fluoxetine treatment differentially alters social behavior in young and adult rat offspring. Frontiers in Neuroscience 13:229.

    Lackinger M, Sungur AÖ, Daswani R, Soutschek M, Bicker S, Stemmler L, Fiore R, Dietrich C, Schwarting RKW, Wöhr M & Schratt G (2019). The placental-mammal specific miR379-410 microRNA cluster acts as a natural brake for sociability in mice. EMBO Reports 20(2):e46429.

    Michels S, Dolga AM, Braun MD, Kisko TM, Sungur AÖ, Witt SH, Rietschel M, Demfle A, Wöhr M, Schwarting RKW & Culmsee C (2019). Interaction of the psychiatric risk gene Cacna1c with post-weaning social isolation or environmental enrichment does not affect brain mitochondrial bioenergetics in rats. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 13:483.

    Redecker TM, Kisko TM, Schwarting RKW & Wöhr M (2019). Effects of Cacna1c haploinsufficiency on social interaction behavior and 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in adult female rats. Behavioural Brain Research 367:35-52.

    Schob C, Morellini F, Ohana O, Bakota L, Brandt R, Brockmann MD, Cichon N, Hartung H, Hanganu-Opatz I, Kraus V, Scharf S, Herrmans-Borgmeyer I, Schweizer M, Kuhl D, Wöhr M, Vörckel KJ, Calzada-Wack J, Fuchs H, Gailus-Druner V, Hrabe de Angelis M, Garner GC, Kreienkamp HJ, & Kindler S (2019). Cognitive impairment and autistic-like behavior in SAPAP4-deficient mice. Translational Psychiatry 9(1):7.

    Schönfeld LM, Zech MP, Schäble S, Wöhr M, Kalenscher T (2019). Lesions of the rat basolateral amygdala reduce the behavioral response to ultrasonic vocalizations. Behavioural Brain Research 378:112274.

    Tai C-H, Bellesi M, Chen A–C, Lin C-H, Lia H-H, Lin P-J, Lia W-C, Hung C-S, Schwarting RK & Ho Y-J (2019). A new avenue for treating neuronal diseases: Ceftriaxone, an old antibiotic demonstrating behavioral neuronal effects. Behavioural Brain Research 364:149-156.

    Wendler E, de Souza CP, Dornellas APS, dos Santos LE, Ferreira ST, Galduroz JCF, Wöhr M, Schwarting RKW & Andreatini R (2019). Mania-like elevated mood in rats: Enhanced 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations after sleep deprivation. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 88:142-150.

  • 2018

    Berg EL, Copping NA, Rivera JK, Pride MC, Careaga M, Bauman MD, Berman RF, Lein PJ, Harony-Nicolas H, Buxbaum JD, Ellegood J, Lerch JP, Wöhr M & Silverman JL (2018). Developmental social communication deficits in the Shank3 rat model of Phelan-McDermid syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research 11:587-601.

    Braun MD, Kisko TM, Dalla Vecchia D, Andreatini R, Schwarting RKW & Wöhr M (2018). Sex-specific effects of Cacna1c haploinsufficiency on object recognition, spatial memory, and reversal learning capabilities in rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 155:543-555.

    Burke CJ, Kisko TM, Euston DR & Pellis SM (2018). Do juvenile rats use specific ultrasonic calls to coordinate their social play? Animal behavior 140:81-92.

    Engelhardt KA, Marchetta P, Schwarting RKW & Melo-Thomas L (2018). Haloperidol–induced catalepsy is ameliorated by deep brain stimulation of the inferior colliculus. Scientific Reports 8:e2216.

    Engelhardt KA, Schwarting RKW & Wöhr M (2018). Mapping trait-like socio-affective phenotypes in rats through 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations. Psychopharmacology 235:83-98.

    Fendt M, Brosch M, Wernecke K, Willadsen M & Wöhr M (2018). Predator odour but not TMT induces 22-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats that lead to defensive behaviours in conspecifics upon replay. Scientific Reports 8:e11041.

    Filice F, Lauber E, Vörckel KJ, Wöhr M & Schwaller B (2018). 17-ß estradiol increases parvalbumin levels in Pvalb heterozygous mice and attenuates behavioral phenotypes with relevance to autism core symptoms. Molecular Autism 9:15.

    Khatami F, Wöhr M, Read HL & Escabi MA (2018). Origins of scale invariance in vocalization sequences and speech. PLOS Computational Biology 14:e1005996.

    Kisko TM, Braun MD, Michels S, Witt SH, Rietschel M, Culmsee C, Schwarting RKW & Wöhr M. (2018). Cacna1c haploinsufficiency leads to pro-social 50-kHz ultrasonic communication deficits in rats. Disease Models & Mechanisms 11:dmm034116.

    Melo-Thomas L, Gil-Martínez AL, Cuenca L, Estrada C, Gonzalez-Cuello A, Schwarting RKW & Herrero MT (2018). Electrical stimulation or MK-801 in the inferior colliculus improve motor deficits in MPTP-treated mice. Neurotoxicology 65:38-43.

    Michels S, Ganjam GK, Martins H, Schratt GM, Wöhr M, Schwarting RKW, Culmsee C (2018). Downregulation of the psychiatric susceptibility gene Cacna1c promotes mitochondrial resilience to oxidative stress in neuronal cells. Cell Death Discovery 4:e54.

    de Oliveira Guaita G, Dalla Vecchia D, Andreatini R, Robinson DL, Schwarting RKW & Da Cunha C (2018). Diazepam blocks 50 kHz ultrasonic vocalizations and stereotypies but not the increase in locomotor activity induced in rats by amphetamine. Psychopharmacology 235:1887-1896.

    Schwarting RKW (2018) Ultrasonic vocalization in juvenile and adult male rats: A comparison among rat stocks. Physiology & Behavior 191:1-11.

    Schwarting RKW (2018) Ultrasonic vocalization in female rats: a comparison among three outbred stocks from pups to adults. Physiology & Behavior 196:59-66.

    Schwarting RKW & Wöhr M (2018). Isolation-induced ultrasonic vocalizations in pups: A comparison between Long Evans, Sprague-Dawley, and Wistar rats. Developmental Psychobiology 60:534-543.

    Sungur AÖ, Redecker TM, Andres E, Dürichen W, Schwarting RKW, Del Rey A & Wöhr M (2018). Reduced efficacy of d-amphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in inducing hyperactivity in mice lacking the postsynaptic scaffolding protein SHANK1. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 11:1–22.

    Sungur AÖ, Schwarting RKW & Wöhr M (2018). Behavioral phenotypes and neurobiological mechanisms in the Shank1 mouse model for autism spectrum disorder: A translational perspective. Behavioural Brain Research 352:46-61.

    Sungur AÖ, Stemmler L, Wöhr M & Rust M (2018). Impaired object recognition but normal social behavior and ultrasonic communication in Cofilin1 mutant mice. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 12:e25.

    Tonelli LC, Wöhr M, Schwarting RKW & Melo-Thomas L (2018). Paradoxical kinesia induced by appetitive 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in rats depends on glutamatergic mechanisms in the inferior colliculus. Neuropharmacology 135:172-179.

    Tonelli LC, Wöhr M, Schwarting RKW & Melo-Thomas L (2018). Awakenings in rats by ultrasounds: A new animal model for paradoxical kinesia. Behavioural Brain Research 337:204-209.

    Vecchia DD, Kanazawa LKS, Wendler E, De Almeida Soares Hocayen P, Vital MABF, Miyoshi E, Wöhr M, Schwarting RKW & Andreatini R (2018). Effects of ketamine on vocal impairment, gait changes, and anhedonia induced by bilateral 6-OHDA infusion into the substantia nigra pars compacta in rats: Therapeutic implications for Parkinson's disease. Behavioural Brain Research 342:1-10.

    Willadsen M, Best LM, Wöhr M & Clarke PBS (2018). Effects of anxiogenic drugs on the emission of 22-kHz and 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in adult rats. Psychopharmacology 235:2435-2445.

  • 2017

    Engelhardt KA, Fuchs E, Schwarting RKW & Wöhr M (2017). Effects of amphetamine on pro-social ultrasonic communication in juvenile rats: Implications for mania. European Neuropsychopharmacology 27:261-273. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2017.01.003

    Melo-Thomas L, Engelhardt K-A, Thomas U, Hoehl D, Thomas S, Wöhr M, Werner B, Bremmer F & Schwarting RKW (2017). A wireless, bidirectional interface for in vivo recording and stimulation of neural activity in freely behaving rats. JoVE – Journal of Visualized Experiments 129:e56299. doi: 10.3791/56299

    Sungur AÖ, Jochner MCE, Harb H, Kilic A, Garn H, Schwarting RKW & Wöhr M (2017). Aberrant cognitive phenotypes and altered hippocampal BDNF expression related to epigenetic modifications in mice lacking the post-synaptic scaffolding protein SHANK1: Implications for autism spectrum disorder. Hippocampus 27:906-919. doi: 10.1002/hipo.22741

  • 2016

    Brenes JC, Lackinger M, Höglinger GU, Schratt G, Schwarting RKW & Wöhr M (2016). Differential effects of social and physical environmental enrichment on brain plasticity, cognition, and ultrasonic communication in rats. Journal of Comparative Neurology 524:1586-160. doi: 10.1002/cne.23842

    Busse S & Schwarting RKW (2016). Procedural performance benefits after excitotoxic hippocampal lesions in the rat sequential reaction time task. Neurotoxicity Research 29:54-68. doi: 10.1007/s12640-015-9551-y

    Busse S & Schwarting RKW (2016). Decoupling actions from consequences: Dorsal hippocampal lesions facilitate instrumental performance, but impair behavioral flexibility in rats. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 10:118. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00118

    Filice F, Vörckel KJ, Sungur AÖ, Wöhr M & Schwaller B (2016) Reduction in parvalbumin expression not loss of the parvalbumin-expressing GABA interneuron subpopulation in genetic parvalbumin and Shank mouse models of autism. Molecular Brain 9:10. doi: 10.1186/s13041-016-0192-8

    Sungur AÖ, Schwarting RKW & Wöhr M (2016) Early communication deficits in the Shank1 knockout mouse model for autism spectrum disorder: developmental aspects and effects of social context. Autism Research 9:696-709. doi: 10.1002/aur.1564

    Wendler E, de Souza CP, Vecchia DD, Kanazawa LKS, de Almeida Soares Hocayen P, Wöhr M, Schwarting RKW & Andreatini R (2016) Evaluation of 50-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in animal models of mania: Ketamine and lisdexamfetamine-induced hyperlocomotion in rats. European Neuropsychopharmacology 26:1900-1908. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2016.10.012