LOEWE research project: Prevention of anxiety disorders and depression through app support
Prof. Dr. Zarski receives award as 1st place winner in the dissertation category at the fifth kbo Innovation Award ceremony in Munich
Hanna Schweigert joins us as a PhD student
Prof. Dr. Zarski is an elected member on the Board of Directors of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII)
Prof. Dr. Zarski elected spokesperson for the eHealth interest group of the German Psychological Society (DGPs)
New job posting: Promotionsstipendium im Rahmen des Marburger Modells
Juliane Schmidt-Hantke and Theresa Sextl-Plötz begin their work as research assistants in our unit
Supervisor Award 2024 of the DGPs Division of Clinical Psychology
New study: CaYou Participants wanted! (German)
Master's theses available at the earliest possible date: Project CaYou
New job posting: Student assistant
Master's theses available: Project PenPainQ (January 2025)
New job posting: Student assistant
Seminar: Marburg Modul MarSkills
- - Our new website is online!
New study: Ctrl-Alt-Play Participants wanted! (German)
Teaching award from the Psychology Student Council
Presentation by Hanna Schweigert at the DPK 2025
New study: PenPainQ – Participants wanted! (German)