01.02.2024 Prof. Dr. Zarski receives award as 1st place winner in the dissertation category at the fifth kbo Innovation Award ceremony in Munich

Every two years, the clinics of the District of Upper Bavaria (kbo) award the kbo Innovation Prize for empirical and application-oriented scientific work in the field of mental health and social psychiatry. In this way, kbo actively supports practical research and science in order to continuously improve the care of people with mental illnesses. The prize is awarded in three categories for bachelor's, master's and dissertation theses.

On January 26, 2024, the kbo Innovation Award Mental Health | Social Psychiatry was presented for the fifth time. The award winners received their certificates and prizes in the plenary hall of the district of Upper Bavaria.

In his welcoming address, Deputy District President Rainer Schneider emphasized the importance of the exchange between research, teaching and practice for the further development of the healthcare system. "The results of your scientific work could be groundbreaking for the creation of future care structures and medical services," he said, praising the creative approaches and solutions of the award winners. Schneider also paid tribute to the important daily work of the kbo clinics.

Dr. Margitta Borrmann-Hassenbach, kbo board member and jury member, hosted the event. Members of the jury from various professional fields and professions gave the laudatory speeches.

The prizewinners at a glance


1st place: Dr. Anna-Carlotta Zarski | Addressing Challenges in Internet Interventions for Mental Disorders: Studies on age-specific efficacy, adherence, and underserved disorders

2nd place: Dr. Andrea Hahnefeld | Developmental aspects of trauma-related disorders in children with a refugee background

3rd place: Dr. Stefan Schoisswohl | Towards a Moment of Silence: Individualization of Acoustic Stimulation and Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Tinnitus