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What degree programs can I take in Marburg?

You will be trained as theologians through the analysis of the reason and origin, meaning and consequences of Christian faith. You will be qualified to form an expert critical judgment and advocate for that judgment in the context of other disciplines, taking into account ecclesiastical and social areas of practice. 

Our department offers various modular program options:

  • Protestant theology (toward the degrees of Magister Theologiae/First Examination in Theology),
  • The subjects of Protestant religion and Hebrew for the secondary teacher education program. 
  • Master’s Examination Regulations/First Examination in Theology
  • Minor subject Protestant Theology in the combined Bachelor's degree

As a part of your study stay in Marburg, you will have the opportunity to intensively engage with various theological disciplines such as Old Testament, New Testament, systematic theology, social ethics, Church history, history of religion, applied theology and Christian archaeology. In addition, we offer language courses in Hebrew, Greek, Armenian and Coptic in the department. Students can also take courses and seminars through partnering units at Philipps-Universität Marburg in the Institute for Philosophy and the Center for Near and Middle East Studies.

For more information see Studiengänge on our german website