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European history of Northern and North-Western Europe

Research into the early modern period at the University of Marburg goes very deliberately beyond the borders of historical knowledge focussed on a national level. The thematic foci of political culture, as well as cultural and social history, includes comparative, European and transnational perspectives. Interdependence and exchange processes can be researched in a wide spectrum from foreign policy relationships up to scientific debates and historical self-perception. Geographical foci here are the history of England, Scandinavia and Italy.

Literature: Kampmann, New models in old Europe. Breaking traditions and innovation as a challenge in the early modern period, edited together with Katharina Krause/ Eva-Bettina Krems/ Anuschka Tischer, Cologne/Weimar/Vienna 2012; Imperium/ Empire/ Reich. A concept of political rule by comparing Germany and Britain. An Anglo-German Comparison of a Concept of Rule, edited by Franz Bosbach and Hermann Hier in collaboration with Christoph Kampmann, Munich 1999 (Prince Albert studies, Vol. 16). Weiand: Depictions of rulers and the formation of political norms. The depiction of Elizabeth I. England of the 17th century (Publications by the Institute for European history Mainz, 236) Göttingen 2015; Schmidt-Voges: Gothicism, New Worlds, Northernness, Storm accidents to tidigmoderna, Vincat amor patriae.