10.06.2022 Job Advertisement: Junior Research Group Leader

The Department of German Studies and Arts, Research Center “Deutscher Sprachatlas”, within the Research Training Group “Dynamics and stability of linguistic representations” (RTG 2700), is currently accepting applications for a Junior Research Group Leader within the field of Empirical and/or Experimental Linguistics starting on 01.09.2022. For more information click here.
We would like to ask for application documents within a single PDF-file. Documents have to include a motivation letter, CV, publication list, documentation of university degrees and a project proposal (up to 3 pages). Documents have to be sent with the reference number fb09-0017-nwgl-2022 before 17.07.2022 to the following address: dsa@uni-marburg.de.
Further questions will be answered by Prof. Hanna Fischer (hanna.fischer@uni-marburg.de).